When did everyone's little ones start sleeping through the night?
I ask because my friends little girl, who is 2 days younger than Oliver, has already started going through the night! And she's not quite 6 weeks old!!!
I think maybe cos Oliver is a big baby, he needs more milk so it could be a while before he drops the 3am feed!
And also, he's 6 weeks old and taking 6x 5oz bottles (30oz total) a day, and we've now upped it to 6oz (literally today) so will he drop a feed?
Cos otherwise he'll be taking 36oz a day!! And we have HV on Thursday who I'm sure will tell me off!!
Hi Ladies, I'm asking WELL in advance here, but it's more to start getting ideas. Have any of you thought about 1st birthday parties at all? I'd like to do something "big" for Amelia's next March, and although I know she won't remember it AT ALL, It's more to have a big celebration of the fact it's her first ever birthday. Want to get some nice photos etc so there are lots of memories to look back on! Will probably be more for the adults than Amelia herself lol but not sure what to do? Has anyone else thought about it? If so what were you planning? xx
To be honest we weren't going to do anything but then I realised I'd regret it in years to come. Because Cole's birthday is NYE I think we're going to do something either just before or just after Christmas (depends on Tom's job). It'll be a tea party at home with us three, my sister, bil and their two kids, my dad and step mum, mum and step dad, step sister and her fella, step grandparents and two best friends, their partners and their two little ones. Tom's parents will be invited but it's hard for them to get over together with his Gran etc. Will be doing it at home. Like you, I want the photos to look back on. I'm also planning on doing a really bright 'Smash the cake' photoshoot (not sure if professionally or just at home) before his birthday. I'll do something themed but not sure what yet, depends on what interests him at the time. Xx
Basically this:
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I'm going to bake a cake as it'll get trashed anyway then let Cole do what he wants with it. We've got a good camera so we're going to get a white screen and start doing our own photos hopefully x
That's sooo awesome!!xx
Hey ladies, just a question regarding feeding. How often did ur new born babies feed? I know all babies are different with being diff weights n so on. Mia is drinking around 2oz every 3 hrs but sometimes only goes 2. She also sometimes drinks 2 n the hr later wants a bit more n has half oz xx
That's fine hun, just let her tell you how much and when. She will settle into more of a routine in a week or two. Ignore what it says on the side of the box, every baby is different x
Every baby is different- my boy was drinking 3oz bottles every 3 hours right from the beginning and at 6 weeks old he now has 6x 5-6oz bottles a day!!Hey ladies, just a question regarding feeding. How often did ur new born babies feed? I know all babies are different with being diff weights n so on. Mia is drinking around 2oz every 3 hrs but sometimes only goes 2. She also sometimes drinks 2 n the hr later wants a bit more n has half oz xx
Hey ladies, just a question regarding feeding. How often did ur new born babies feed? I know all babies are different with being diff weights n so on. Mia is drinking around 2oz every 3 hrs but sometimes only goes 2. She also sometimes drinks 2 n the hr later wants a bit more n has half oz xx
Every baby is different- my boy was drinking 3oz bottles every 3 hours right from the beginning and at 6 weeks old he now has 6x 5-6oz bottles a day!! Which is what an 'average' 8-12 week old should be having lol! But then he is the weight of an 8-12 week old as he's nearly 12lbs!! (Born 9lbs 11oz!)
Perfectly normal. Connor was having 2oz about every 2 hours. Sometimes 3 hours. But again may want a little top up a hour later! He's 4+2 now and has 4oz about 3.5hrs. Sometimes 4 hours. And still may want a top up a hour later of another oz. X Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Thanks for the replies girls, it's hard when u don't know whether ur doing it right lol. Didn't want to over feed/ under feed but from what I've read u can't really do either cos like u all say they let you know when they want feeding xx
Yeah they'll let you know if they want more as you know!! Lol. And sometimes if they over feed a little then they'll just sick it up. Connor has been greedy once or twice and was sick after but only a little. Your doing great either way xx Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Thanks Hun, we learn as we go don't we xx