When do you know when to use stage 2 teats?
Shes fine in the day maybe takes some too quick sometimes but seems to be slower in the night when shes tiered suppose its not a bad thing just not sure when to try them xx
Oliver went onto size 2 teats at 5 weeks old, and that was due to his colic x
Ben went up at 5 months xx
Yea they really are all completely different.. That's probably the biggest lesson I've learned from being on here.. It has also given me more faith in my instincts rather than thinking "oh but my app said....." or "the books say...." Éabha isn't in any book and didn't come with instructions... She is individual...Thank you , i have lots of the size 2 already stocked up on bottles before she was born so will wait and see if she starts struggles, every one seems quite different. Good to know she needs to get used to them! I think at night i just want to get to bed quicker so may seem longer drinking. Although she fed at 10 last night so both asleep for 11 then she didn't have next feed until 3am but i couldn't get back to sleep so probably had half an hour before she woke again at 6! Typical
Yea they really are all completely different.. That's probably the biggest lesson I've learned from being on here.. It has also given me more faith in my instincts rather than thinking "oh but my app said....." or "the books say...." Éabha isn't in any book and didn't come with instructions... She is individual...
That's so true- I've just come back from baby clinic where I've been told Oliver should be on no 3 teats- but he's perfectly ok on 2's still! So I'm ignoring HV...![]()
That's so true- I've just come back from baby clinic where I've been told Oliver should be on no 3 teats- but he's perfectly ok on 2's still! So I'm ignoring HV...![]()
I really feel we are check lists sometimes with HV or is it just around bottle feeding? Not all of them but i want given hardly any advice in the classes i went to before Brooke was born, they couldn't answer questions about expressing either. I have relied on here for advice and im afraid to say Dr Google ha ha !
My HV is great.. I think its mainly coz she has a LG that's still only young so its all very fresh in her mind how tough it can be to go by the "book" She was saying to me at É's 7 month check how she's really impressed that É is drinking so well from her sippy cup as her youngest LG didn't grasp it until recently and she's just turned 1.. So she knows all too well that these are babies, not programmed computers/robots that do things "on time"
Éabha has been doing clap hands for her Nana since the week she started minding her... I seen it last week!!! She won't do it on cue though.. Only when she wants to.. Which is usually when she thinks no-one is minding her...My HV was the same with the sippy cup. Cole's been wanting to hold his cup and bottle for ages. At his check she didn't believe that he could do it himself so she gave him an empty sippy cup to try it with and he put it straight to his mouth and tipped it up. Because it was empty I gave him his proper cup and he sat drinking from it, no problem. They all develop different, like you say. He's desperate to walk but can't be bothered clapping and waving (although the monkey has done it for my dad!!)
Aww clever eabha growing up fast she'll be walking before you know it! X
Wish she'd slow down n let me catch up!!!