Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Ladies- when your little ones reached 6 months old, did you change dummies to the 6-12 month ones? Does anyone know the difference?
Also did anyone change to follow on formula? Anyone know the difference?
And what age did you stop sterilising bottles?
Thanks xx
Ladies- when your little ones reached 6 months old, did you change dummies to the 6-12 month ones? Does anyone know the difference?
Also did anyone change to follow on formula? Anyone know the difference?
And what age did you stop sterilising bottles?
Thanks xx

I changed soothers only recently but Éabha prefers her last ones so has them mostly...
Didn't switch to follow on as PHN recommended if the one was in suited her, stick with as there's little difference. So like a pleb 1 day I stood for ages compositing n there really is very little difference.
I stopped sterilising about a month ago when i asked thus question myself (on Irish thread) n it was pointed out that she's crawling around the floor where we've all walked in our outdoor shoes n then out her hands in her mouth. So what germs will she get from a washed bottle, unsterilised, that she doesn't get from the floor?!
After that day, I haven't sterilised!!
I scald her bottles daily in hot soapy water so they're clean... N I make her bottle with hot water do it kills bacteria in the formula. They just aren't sterilised anymore
I changed soothers only recently but Éabha prefers her last ones so has them mostly...
Didn't switch to follow on as PHN recommended if the one was in suited her, stick with as there's little difference. So like a pleb 1 day I stood for ages compositing n there really is very little difference.
I stopped sterilising about a month ago when i asked thus question myself (on Irish thread) n it was pointed out that she's crawling around the floor where we've all walked in our outdoor shoes n then out her hands in her mouth. So what germs will she get from a washed bottle, unsterilised, that she doesn't get from the floor?!
After that day, I haven't sterilised!!
I scald her bottles daily in hot soapy water so they're clean... N I make her bottle with hot water do it kills bacteria in the formula. They just aren't sterilised anymore
I got told 6 months on the stop sterilising front and follow on milk, I was also told by HV not to bother... It was the dummies I was intrigued by... Oliver has got the TT cherry soothers (the only ones he liked!) and they are in great condition (he has got 6 of them- the dummy thief is a regular visitor in our house lol!) so prob won't change... He is only just 6 months old...
Thanks xx
I still sterilise but only cause it's easier than scrubbing lol. Stayed with the same milk and can't remember if there was another question ...
I still sterilise but only cause it's easier than scrubbing lol. Stayed with the same milk and can't remember if there was another question ...
I still sterilise but only cause it's easier than scrubbing lol. Stayed with the same milk and can't remember if there was another question ...
Oh yeh still got same dummy he didn't like the other xx
My hv said to not bother with follow on milk as it's sweeter and they sometimes don't like the transition to cows milk. She also said iron wise that as long as they eat a healthy diet it shouldn't be a problem x
Cole's still got his 0-6m dummies. Didn't liked the next stage. Still on his normal milk, they say follow on is a bit of a con. As for sterilising, I still do it. It's not to kill germs, like Frances said they pick them up off the floor etc. Sterilising is to kill the bacteria in the milk as just washing in soapy water can't kill all the bacteria in the teat etc x
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Thanks ladies.

I'm not going to bother with new dummies as his TT collection are all fine.
I wasn't going to bother with the milk either, I think I was just more curious as to why it's different!
I keep getting told 6 months to stop sterilising... But like a lot of you have said, it becomes habit.. I think I'll carry on until he's crawling at least.
Found this, if it helps. I'm quite relaxed with a lot of stuff but won't stop sterilising yet. As long as he has formula I'll sterilise x

in the minority I think ;) but I stopped sterilising when Amelia was 5 months old (she's 9 months next week - my god!) and everything has been ok. :) I wash the bottles really well, and always rinse with hot water.

Formula: she's still on 1st milk and will probably keep it that way til she can drink cows milk in bottles x I've heard too that follow on milks etc is just a marketing thing and the first milk is absolutely fine x

Dummies we've just gone up to 6+ at 9 mths old, and I was a bit wary as Amelia was particular about MAM dummies and loved the 0-6 far shes doing fine. We still have two of the smaller ones in her cot so she will probably have a mix of both xx
in the minority I think ;) but I stopped sterilising when Amelia was 5 months old (she's 9 months next week - my god!) and everything has been ok. :) I wash the bottles really well, and always rinse with hot water.

Formula: she's still on 1st milk and will probably keep it that way til she can drink cows milk in bottles x I've heard too that follow on milks etc is just a marketing thing and the first milk is absolutely fine x

Dummies we've just gone up to 6+ at 9 mths old, and I was a bit wary as Amelia was particular about MAM dummies and loved the 0-6 far shes doing fine. We still have two of the smaller ones in her cot so she will probably have a mix of both xx
Wish you'd told me!!! I was over the moon when the girls had nearly all said (1 girl didn't stop til last week when her LG had her last bottle of formula and she was 1 the week before that) they stopped sterilising once baby went on solids.. Rang Jonathan to tell him I was packing away the steriliser and was almost as happy as I'd be if I won the lotto!! lol
She was closer to 7 months I'd say when I stopped but would have done it sooner had I thought logically about it...
We've had no problems at all either... I steep them in scalding hot soapy water and wait til its cooled til I was them.. So they're steeping for a good long while and then the bottle brush comes out and every nook and cranny is scrubbed...
Wish you'd told me!!! I was over the moon when the girls had nearly all said (1 girl didn't stop til last week when her LG had her last bottle of formula and she was 1 the week before that) they stopped sterilising once baby went on solids.. Rang Jonathan to tell him I was packing away the steriliser and was almost as happy as I'd be if I won the lotto!! lol
She was closer to 7 months I'd say when I stopped but would have done it sooner had I thought logically about it...
We've had no problems at all either... I steep them in scalding hot soapy water and wait til its cooled til I was them.. So they're steeping for a good long while and then the bottle brush comes out and every nook and cranny is scrubbed...

lol! I was the same! Had a massive grin packing mine away! :D x

It was at the time Amelia was on solids and picking everything up off the floor and putting it straight in her mouth. I thought I'd give the no-sterilising a go but in the back of my mind thought well, if she becomes ill I'll just get the steriliser out again until she's older. Fortunately, she's been absolutely fine and we have had no issues with tummy problems (apart from a few days recently, but I think that was me passing on my tummy bug! The kind mummy that I am! ;) ) x
that said...I have to get the bloody thing back out again next june lol! Didnt think I'd be seeing that again so soon xx
I switched to bigger dummies but only because I needed to buy some new ones so figured why not.... To be honest I think the only difference is the size so I really can't see that you need to change.

I still sterilise bottles and will for as long as Rebecca has formula as I was told it was something to do with the milk protein that can remain in the bottle (even with a very good hot wash) and its apparently a breeding ground for bacteria.... But I can see why people stop sterilising with what babies find and put in their mouths once they are mobile ;) it's all about what you think is right for you and your baby :) as long as the bottles get a good scrub in very hot water I'm sure they would be fine. :)

I've stayed on number 1 milk for Rebecca as I heard follow on is a marketing ploy (they can't advertise 1st milk so it allows them to advertise) and I think they are pretty much the same ingredients so if you wanted to move to follow on I think it's fine. Rebecca has had follow on (shop had no 1st milk in so I got follow on) and there was no difference that I can tell. Xxx
I did change the dummies but just followed the ages on the packaging and had already bought the next size up in advance.

My friend told me her HV advised not to go on to follow on milk so I followed her advice.

I'm still sterilising, I just prefer it to know they've had a good wash. Xx
I actually found some 6-18 month TT dummies in Tesco, the cherry soothers that he loves, and I can't see any difference between them and his 0-6 month ones x