I'm going to ride it out do the neck excersizes il try paracetamol first if I'm desperate. Thank you ladies xx
Had to share.. Even though its pretty gross and TMI.. Its funny.. And only you ladies will get it.... So its been a few days since I've "been" to the toilet... And just now had a little clearout (sorry.. told you it was TMI)... Anyway... Literally 2 seconds after I started.. Baby gets her wriggle on, after a very quiet of nothing more than a few feet up in my ribs but not much wriggling.. And hasn't stopped wriggling about since... Its like she's thinking "Ugh thank God.. A little bit of room in here" LOL Sorry.. I know it doesn't have much of a point.. But I got a giggle out of it.. And its not like I can share that piece of info with anyone else that would appreciate it... ha ha
Had to share.. Even though its pretty gross and TMI.. Its funny.. And only you ladies will get it.... So its been a few days since I've "been" to the toilet... And just now had a little clearout (sorry.. told you it was TMI)... Anyway... Literally 2 seconds after I started.. Baby gets her wriggle on, after a very quiet of nothing more than a few feet up in my ribs but not much wriggling.. And hasn't stopped wriggling about since... Its like she's thinking "Ugh thank God.. A little bit of room in here" LOL Sorry.. I know it doesn't have much of a point.. But I got a giggle out of it.. And its not like I can share that piece of info with anyone else that would appreciate it... ha ha
I know we've discussed baby clothes sizes before but just thought I'd share what we've found out since having Seth. He was 7lb 8oz at birth which is a decent weight but everything is absolutely huge on him! Boots newborn size is the worst, absolutely massive. He's a tiny baby in their sizes lol. Best fit so far has been Next up to one month size, he has two sleepsuits in that size that fit him perfectly. Polarn O Pyret 0-1 (bought from the sale I might add!) and Asda first size aren't bad either but the Next clothes are my favourite. They are lovely fabric, fasten up a sensible way (avoid anything that needs pulling over their heads!) and the sleepsuits have built in scratch mits which are a godsend when you have a baby that likes poking himself in the eye as much as this oneHope that's vaguely helpful? We bought tonnes of 0-3 stuff and I can't see Seth getting into any of it prior to Xmas. He'll be lucky if he's in newborn clothes by then! xxx
I know we've discussed baby clothes sizes before but just thought I'd share what we've found out since having Seth. He was 7lb 8oz at birth which is a decent weight but everything is absolutely huge on him! Boots newborn size is the worst, absolutely massive. He's a tiny baby in their sizes lol. Best fit so far has been Next up to one month size, he has two sleepsuits in that size that fit him perfectly. Polarn O Pyret 0-1 (bought from the sale I might add!) and Asda first size aren't bad either but the Next clothes are my favourite. They are lovely fabric, fasten up a sensible way (avoid anything that needs pulling over their heads!) and the sleepsuits have built in scratch mits which are a godsend when you have a baby that likes poking himself in the eye as much as this oneHope that's vaguely helpful? We bought tonnes of 0-3 stuff and I can't see Seth getting into any of it prior to Xmas. He'll be lucky if he's in newborn clothes by then! xxx
Wow thanks for this. I'm slightly worried everything will be too big for our babe. How long is Seth? We have some new born stuff and I guess Paul can always go out to sains or next and buy little baby stuff if we need it. Sizing is so annoying. X
Oh. Wasn't he measured at birth? Our babies are weighed n measured here... Yea thanks to Cai I've picked up more newborn vests n sleepsuits as I'd hardly any. I've a fair few up to a month n 0-3 month stuff too so sorted until we know what size age actually will be. Thanks for sharingxx
Freddie is in tiny baby, and some of them are too big, especially his all in one coat, he's got a few up to ten lbs that aren't bad from tesco but are still a bit big, he was 6lb 14 and 53cm long. midwife came yesterday to do his heal prick test and weighed him hes 6lb 6 now, hope he starts putting weight on now.x
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