I swear by my Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep machine which is fantastic. Obviously if you breast feed you wouldn't need one but if not then it's brilliant. So much better than having to boil the kettle to heat a bottle.
Also, a video monitor rather than just a sound one. My little boy is 10 weeks old and we've just started putting him to bed in our bedroom at about 8ish so we get a few hours together downstairs but I would never have done that if I couldn't see he was ok.
Lots of muslin cloths, you will use them for all sorts. And next time I won't buy half as many clothes as you get loads bought, plus I don't put Cole in 'outfits' unless we go out somewhere. If we're just around the house I have him in sleep suits as they're comfier for him.
Hello ladies, just popped over from the pregnancy and SW thread to have a nose and this thread is fab! So much help and advice! I'm now 30+3and need to get my hospital bag sorted but I really don't know where to begin? In terms of the bag, how big? Cheap or expensive? Did any of you use it for anything else? I've decided I'm bottle feeding so need to look at which bottles and formula to get- I've decided on Aptimil for formula but how much do I buy to start with? I know my Mum has said to not bulk buy to start with in case baby reacts badly to it and needs a different brand. Did you any of you do this? Bottles - I'm thinking Tommee Tippee as Tesco have got a very good range and a newborn starter kit for £30 which has bottles, teats, etc. Nappies - my Mum gave me the same advice as formula, not to bulk buy in case baby's skin is sensitive to certain brands. So far I've brought a pack of Waitrose newborn, and I'm planning to buy Pampers and Tesco. Keep hearing bad things about Huggies, like they leak, etc. Anyone got any experience with them? I can't believe I have just under 10 weeks until due date, it's rather scary!!! Re: maternity clothes, I have found New Look to be fantastic- they had a sale on recently and I brought a ton of tshirts for £3 each!! I have 3 pairs of maternity jeans (Peacocks, H&M and New Look) and I live in them! Peacocks are also good for maternity clothes- I don't have a Primark here but must get to one soon as I know how cheap their stuff is! I've been meaning to start a new diary on here but just haven't got round to it (I'm usually working or falling asleep lol) but I shall do it soon! I love reading your diaries and all the cute pics of your babies, it's making me want my little one here ASAP! X
Thanks Missy that helps loads especially the breast pump part as I've been looking on amazon and some do look expensive especially when I might not even be able to breast feed but will have a proper look at them now you've said that! I can't wait to tell them! Just trying to think of the nicest way to tell them, they'll be so happy! Thinking a card to nan and to great nan from bump? Also OH's dad's birthday on the same day! I'm so excited just hope everything is ok, but I've told OH that if it's not ok then I want my family to know and be there for us so no reason to keep it a secret either way is how I see it! Thanks again all of you! Kelly x x Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Re bottles......be prepared to buy new bottles if your little one ends up with colic! I started off with normal Tommee Tippee bottles and ended up having to buy new Dr Brown (anti colic) bottles xx
How long has everyone used cotton wool and water for? X
I used it for the first couple of months, although we were naughty and used water wipes for night time changes and out and about from very early on! Then we went to Huggies wipes and we've had no problems with them at allx
I used it for the first couple of months, although we were naughty and used water wipes for night time changes and out and about from very early on! Then we went to Huggies wipes and we've had no problems with them at allx
Forgot about bag... I too used a weekend case n had a smaller bag for my labour bag I had FAR too much stuff with me tho n cud have easily manages with a backpack! Danni I don't plan on using wipes at all. Used pampers sensitive the other day on my face n my God it felt like acid on my face!!! Huggies are the same (for me) Will keep some water wipes in her bag n a pack in the house for emergencies tho... Saying that... Some things I had "planned" has gone out the window!! (Am using a soother for a start!!)