Sweep?.....sounds delightful! but if it helps i'll do it lol!!!
no joy with prams though only went to babies r us n tesco ( which was rubbish, had about 4 prams). Dunno why there has to be so many, and so expensive and pricing so complicated! Some had everything included and others had f'all! GRRRRRRRR! Anyway for those interested, babies r us are doing an event from 24th till 6th Oct where if you take in any old pram/car seat or highchair......certain brands though, you get a 25% voucher which you can use to buy a pram ( or anything else), pretty good offer if you have anything like that already, my sister has a broken maxicosi car seat so will use that if they have the pram i like in store. Thats another thing, why do they do on line only on some stuff???? I need to have a proper good look at a pram to know if i like it and if it fits in the boot! Can you tell i'm annoyed?
Did get some bargains today though with some vouchers i got from joining alot of these baby clubs.At Boots got a free change bag for buying a pack of pampers whcih were also on offer and i got a £1.00 off voucher too lol ( its small but ideal for your fella or as a spare), also got 20% off avent breast pump which again was on offer at 1/2 price but the 20% came off the full price....get in! lol In Tesco got £3.00 off Johnsons starter pack ( then i got another £1.00 off as the bag was a little bit dirty), a free pack of huggies nappies and £2.00 off pampers which already had a 1/3 off price! Again got 20 % off full price avent bottles which were 1/3 off! Saved loads but now in loads of pain overdoing it today oh well