Pregnancy and Slimming World

Gorgeous pics Leanne.

Well I'm back from hospital!
Good news is baby's head is down, not all the way but in the brim of my pelvis. So she examined me and gave me a little sweep. My cervix is soft so hopefully baby is getting ready. I've had quite a bit of bleeding since which she warned me about.

Not so good news was my blood pressure was sky high when she checked it on the electric monitor. She checked it again with the manual and it was lower but still higher than it was, and there was a trace of protein in my wee too. So a community midwife is coming over to check again tomorrow. she'll hopefully give me another sweep too.

My induction is booked for weds night, but they might admit me earlier if my blood pressures still high
Well I'm still bleeding a bit from the sweep (will check today if that's normal) but no cramps or anything so not sure how successful it was but I suppose there's still time...
Secretly I'm quite relieved nothings happened yet as hubby has his driving test this afternoon!! Which of course we took a risk in booking for today and are perfectly willing to lose the fee if baby did decide to make an appearance, but I did ask baby nicely to hang on until after his test ;-)

Midwife could call anytime between 9-5 so I've just got to wait. Will let you know once she's been and hopefully my bp wont have gone up any more and that pesky protein will have disappeared
Hi everyone!!
Well MW has just been and my blood pressure has improved a bit on yesterday, and my wee was clear. Even better news is that baby's head has moved further down yay!! Funnily enough we think we actually managed to catch it on camera last night as hubby was filming my belly move and there was a distinct drop in movement so that could have been it.

So hoping baby is thinking about making their own way out...
Going to have a MW visit Saturday to check my bp and have another sweep, then another check Monday before being induced weds if I don't go before then.

Come on baby!!!
Thanks girls. Got a good feeling baby will make an appearance this weekend, or that's just wishful thinking!
Ah well hot curry and bedroom action tonight to help things along ready for tomorrows sweep ;-)
Sarah getting very excited for u , got a feeling sunday will be ur day! how did hubs get on with driving test?
went to midwife thur.....all is well im not diabetic n full blood count is normal too. bp fine. baby still head down n strong heartbeat yay! Asked about midwife led unit as like sound of it, poss not be able to go due to my pgp...... grrr its caused enough probs! will find out more next fri when i have antinatal class
Good news about all your checks jojo, I bet you're really pleased! Hope they do let you use the midwife led unit, but if not I guess they have their reasons for saying hospital is best place.

Hubby failed his test on one little mistake caused by another driver grr. But that's ok there's always next time, trouble is couldn't rebook his test until 24th nov.
Ooo Sarah you never know. My second daughter was born on the day i was meant to be induced x Also both my husband, brother, sister and dad also failed their practical driving test the first time and passed the second time x

I can feel baby moving a lot more which is such a reassurance especially as i have had a bad couple of weeks since my consultants appointment. I absolutly hated going to my consultant especially as she seemed clueless as to why i was there despite the fact it said quite clearly in my green book which she had high bmi! After this was established the scare mongering started and i really cant describe how humilated and scared they made me feel, it still brings me into tears as i am writing it. They kept on going on and on about high blood pressure and diabetes despite everything being normal so far and despite me telling them my last 2 pregnancies were absolutly fine too. Than they started going on about anastetic probs and i will have to meet someone from hospital who will have to seem my back and check my throat! I told them i had already had a epidural in my my first labour but they never listened and put a gold anastetic risk sticker on my book. I felt so labelled and i couldnt stop crying when i got to my car where my husband was waiting with my daughters. She also decided to measure my fundal height which i now know she shouldnt have as thats measured 26 weeks plus and at 21 weeks i was showing 24 weeks and she looked at my tummy and said have you had a prob and i said no its fat and she kept saying my tummy was soft meaning i had no bump and she couldnt find the top of my bump whereas the previous week i went to see my midwife and she found it! The real issue for me was the blood found in my urine but they all they said was that it will be sent off and its pretty normal sometimes to have blood in urine!!! I have to go and see them on the 7th of november after my glucose test on the 4th and i really hope they sign me off as i know my test will be normal and i have always be signed off from my consultants as i am not high risk but i guess they just want to waste some more NHS money. They didnt even bother to weigh me to check if i had put on any weight just told me not to put any on!
Sorry for the long ramble but since my appointment i have been slowly self distructing and i need to pull myself togather and enjoy this pregnancy as so far since than i havent enjoyed my pregnancy even though it is the little boy i want . My husband and daughters are bearing the brunt of my low mood but i just cant come out of it. I just want to be signed off from the consultant and if i'm not after the 7th i might just not turn up for my appointments but one thing i know for sure is i wont ever get pregnant untill i reach normal weight again :cry:
omg Safia, its disgusting how you have been treated! Are you not tempted to complain about her? I'm about the same weight( well i was its creeping up now) and not even been weighed! On my first mw appt she asked me what i weighed as told her i was at SW , obviously my bmi was high so was automatically put down for a diabetes test, but never been asked since!!! Crazy really when they start going on at you the complications with a high bmi! Was your consultant overweight by any chance? lol reason i say that is the only person who lectured me about weight was very clearly overweight herself! Grrrrr, its all to do with covering their own arses now without a thought to you and how you might be feeling! Keep smiling xx
I wish i had complained, i am so bad when it comes to sticking up for myself. My consultant was stick thin and was a trainee by the looks of it as she kept on getting reassurances from the other lady in the room! Lol on the other hand my midwife is on the tubby weight and not even mentioned anything about weight related things as just said bmi is high so you will be consultant led. I will never complain about a midwife again after this experiance with consultant. During my three pregnancies i have had 3 different consultants 2 in milton keynes and 1 in bedford and i have found them as bad as each other as they have no idea why you are there and make you feel like you have wasted their time! AND they are always late!
Despite all that i was enjoying my pregnancy as this time i am finding it much easier apart from a few times he is very low and i find it difficult to even bend and my lady bits swell up like his head is down! Even my spd isn't bad which i am very happy about but i think the cold weather is bringing back my cramps in my legs as i felt one coming on this morning at 5.
I am on and off sw so my weight gain goes between 7 to 5 lbs. I am tempted to go back to sw classes even though my husband doesnt want me to go until baby is here but i am thinking of not going now aswel because i probably will be going up and down like a yoyo until november when i see my consultant again and hopefully be signed off x
Safia sounds like you had a horrible time. It must be so hard for you to relax and enjoy pregnancy with people like that. Easier said than done but try and relax knowing you're doing what's best for your baby and their guilt trips aren't getting them anywhere. What a horrible consultant - big hugs xxx

Well bets are off for tomorrow, MW came over earlier and everything is the same as it was weds, so had a second sweep but it's unlikely to work if wednesdays didn't. Strange though - I had lots of bleeding for a day after the first one. Today I've had no blood but quite a few cramps. Bad news is my blood pressure is higher again, so she's coming over tomorrow to check again. I'm guessing if my induction wasn't so soon they'd probably be booking me in sooner with my blood pressure.
Aww Sarah you never know as my second little madam made an appearance on the day of my induction x
Despite being 5 to 7lbs heavier than my lowest weight i think its mainly baby and the extra liquid as my wedding is really loose so that kind of helped me eat a lot healthier today than the last couple of days. Have my oldest daughters 3rd birthday coming up on the the 15th and the only birthday present she wants is a cake! x
I think it's horrible how some doctors can really make you stress out about your weight, surely the stress is worse for the baby than a reasonable weight gain grr

Hope you enjoy her birthday and make sure you do have a little bit of cake ;-)
Good about your wedding ring, my fingers are so swollen like fat sausages at the moment, I can't even get my watch round my wrist, let alone fit any rings on lol x
Lol I am lucky i dont have any swelling in pregnancies and i have pretty normal pregnancies too and really feel the consultants are wasting time and money on me when there are pregnant ladies out there that need more attention and are just not given it. Lol i will be eating a little of the cake not too much as i might go over to mums and celebrate her birthday there as my mum has been after me for ages to let her do the party but husband as usual cant make up his mind. She isnt much into toys but she loves clothes and bags so will get her a nice little outfit.
Been looking at newborn boy clothes and its so unusual after 2 girls as i have no idea what will suit him lol. Also been reading a little too much into sonographers getting genders wrong but she did check twice before confirming its boy so fingers crossed its right x
Ah let your mum do it - means you can put your feet up and let someone else do the work! And definitely enjoy a bit of cake.

It's such a shame you've had such a crap experience, I feel quite lucky with the midwife care I've had - with my blood pressure they've really been on top of it checking me all the time.

I bet it's lovely looking at all the newborn clothes, I can't wait to go clothes shopping... It's all White babygrows and vests until baby finally makes an appearance!
My midwife is lovely and i really hope i get signed off and just have to go to her. I think i wont start to enjoy this pregnancy until get signed off if i do as dread what new suprises they will have for me. Lol thats why i am tempted to go to my mums as somedays i am so full of energy and others i am not and plus my husband cant make head or tail of our new heating system so hopefully by the time me and my daughters get back he has it working properly and not cutting off all time as he hasnt set it properly lol.
Lol i showed my oldest daughter a blue little brother baby suit and she strightaway said no mummy not blue buy pink lol. She refuses to wear anything blue and just to keep her happy i brought her little brother a red jumper. Its definately a lot more interesting to buy for baby when they get here even if you know sex as than you can buy clothes that you know will definately suit baby and last. My first daughter was tiny at 5lbs12 and grew slowly so her newborn clothes lasted ages but my second daughter was 6lbs12 but her newborn clothes lasted 2 weeks before she needed the next size up x
Luckily we haven't had to buy any clothes yet as we had a load off my friend from her little girl as she bought a lot of neutral even though she knew she was having a girl. So I've got newborn through to 6 months. We'll be fine if it's a girl as we will have all our 7 month old nieces clothes. If it's a boy then shop shop shop!!!

Good luck with getting signed off, I really hope you do.
Sarah it must be hell waiting n waiting n waiting........really not looking forward to that lol! Whats with your BP? Have mw's said why its up n down? i've been very lucky with clothing too, my sister saved my nephews clothes(shes a bit of a shopaholic)so have from newborn to 12 mths sorted, will still buy a few special outfits for him though, his going home outfit is a very cute hungry caterpiller suit ..........flaming hope he's still a boy lol!
i'm off to Wales mon to Wed in husbands mum n dads new caravan. Won't be doing much since i can't walk far! change of scenery will be nice though!
