Pregnancy and Slimming World

Gutted I have gestural diabetes! Booooooooooooo so got to change my diet big time and get monitored from next weds :( means more scans so get to see my little girlie more until she arrives in a couple of months! I'm just so mad at myself because I've done this to myself by over eating chocolate :(

Awww don't say that none of it your fault!! X
Thanks ladies can't help feel a little responsible because my eating was totally out if control! But your all right, the positives are in being monitored closely, get to see her more and start my healthy eating early so hopefully by the time she arrives I will continue straight into losing the weight!
Thank you ladies really appreciate your kind words of encouragement it really perks me up :) xx
Thanks ladies can't help feel a little responsible because my eating was totally out if control! But your all right, the positives are in being monitored closely, get to see her more and start my healthy eating early so hopefully by the time she arrives I will continue straight into losing the weight!
Thank you ladies really appreciate your kind words of encouragement it really perks me up :) xx

Yer more than welcome hun, that's wat we all here 4 after all! Way 2 go wif the positive attitude 2 healthy eatin as well! x
Yer more than welcome hun, that's wat we all here 4 after all! Way 2 go wif the positive attitude 2 healthy eatin as well! x

Thanks Hun must say I'm feeling much better about it! Been scoffing sugar free jelly when I've been desperate! A few people have advices me to get that 70% coco chocolate if I get really desperate but it's that harsh think I'd rather just not have any at all and substitute with sugar free jelly etc!
Thanks ladies can't help feel a little responsible because my eating was totally out if control! But your all right, the positives are in being monitored closely, get to see her more and start my healthy eating early so hopefully by the time she arrives I will continue straight into losing the weight!
Thank you ladies really appreciate your kind words of encouragement it really perks me up :) xx

Good to see you feel better x
We are all here for you and can help each other especially with healthy eating, today was the first time in weeks that i have been on sw so feeling a little bit more positive now x
Good to see you feel better x
We are all here for you and can help each other especially with healthy eating, today was the first time in weeks that i have been on sw so feeling a little bit more positive now x

Good 4 u hun! I WAS doin really well 2day until hubby brought me a dark choc bounty back from the shop when I sent him 4 eggs! lol! Oh well...2moro's another day! lol! :D
Help!! Is it normal to feel extremely nauseas before labour?? I woke myself up feeling really sick last night no pains but that kinda cramp that you get before tummy bug was ok but started feeling bit yukky again like car sick!!
None of this is familiar from Imogen days?? Maybe just getting a bug?? Thanks ladies x
Help!! Is it normal to feel extremely nauseas before labour?? I woke myself up feeling really sick last night no pains but that kinda cramp that you get before tummy bug was ok but started feeling bit yukky again like car sick!!
None of this is familiar from Imogen days?? Maybe just getting a bug?? Thanks ladies x

I felt like this during my 1st labour was actually sick twice. Maybe your body is preparing itself to expel missy who seems too comfortable inside mummy x
Good 4 u hun! I WAS doin really well 2day until hubby brought me a dark choc bounty back from the shop when I sent him 4 eggs! lol! Oh well...2moro's another day! lol! :D

You could always syn the bounty if you had enough syns x
My hubby decided he wanted pizza yesterday but i wasnt tempted x
Help!! Is it normal to feel extremely nauseas before labour?? I woke myself up feeling really sick last night no pains but that kinda cramp that you get before tummy bug was ok but started feeling bit yukky again like car sick!!
None of this is familiar from Imogen days?? Maybe just getting a bug?? Thanks ladies x

Could be....I was sick twice in labour with molly....once was projectile but that was half hour after having pethadine. Will not be having it this time around. X
mayb it is/was just the start of a tummy bug, hopefully if yer feelin better it means u'v fought it off! x

Lol it would be just my luck to have a tummy bug when I'm trying to have an Isobel!! Aaaargh this is so not my lucky pregnancy. X
Lol it would be just my luck to have a tummy bug when I'm trying to have an Isobel!! Aaaargh this is so not my lucky pregnancy. X

U'v certainly had a ruff time of it hun, fingers crossed it won't drag on 2 much longer 4 u x