pregnancy buddy

just a bit lol I kind of guessed with not gaining much weight it was a girl but no denying what I saw on the scan hes all boy ;) xx
How are we all getting on?? I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and feeling bigger by the day lol. Keep telling myself it's natural but can't help but worry about how much bigger I will get - still 3 months to go!!
know what you mean maverick,stayed in a caravan at the weeknd & noticed my bump starting to get in the way moving around in a smaller space lol.Will be 24 weeks on sat ,still not massive weight gain but def feel front heavy & the Braxton hicks are a little annoying & reminding me I only gave birth 16 months ago so not looking forward to that again so soon ,ouch! x
how is everybody getting on?
Hi Tamkat, I'm good - nearly 31 weeks now and I officially weigh more than I ever (knowingly) have, which is a bit of a milestone, but actually I feel ok about it. I want to have a plan in place to get back to SW once baby is born, but I'm not in a huge rush. I just don't want to be stuck with baby weight for too long - can't believe I'm thinking about it already!!

Just had a phonecall from the med centre to arrange a home visit from the health visitor next week... Not sure what the point of that is, and the one time I met the HV she riled me a bit, so that should be interesting...

Am very lucky that I work from home, and don't actually have a lot on at the moment as my boss has gone away on holiday. Means I can keep nesting and relaxing. Got a bit overwhelmed with it yesterday, we have been very lucky with the amount of stuff we've been sent by MIL, but a lot of it if I'm honest is second hand crap that I will never use and I'm stressing about how to get rid of it slyly. I feel like she's trying to take over with "stuff" because she's not here in person. Eg hubby has already bought baby a playmat/baby gym thing and she's sent us out another one, even though she knows we have one... I put it together just to see what it looks like and it's covered in baby slabbers, and can't be machine washed... I'm not a snob, and I've got plenty of second hand stuff for baby, but I know where it's come from, and everything is being re washed...

Anyone else suffer from a MIL who can feel suffocating from 2000 miles away??!! That distance should make it easy, but I know what she's like, the second she arrives here (2 weeks after my due date, which is also stressing me a bit) she will be looking for everything she's sent us!!
im very lucky that my mil doesn't live close by or get involved ,my mother on the other hand still likes to tell me how to feed,change,teach,discipline basically bring up my children which gets on my nerves as I see her twice a week im 34 & on baby num 4 lol but I bite my tongue & accept its just because she cares & theres a very good chance I will prob do the same when my children have children! Really hope im not as bad as she is tho lol