Pregnant again!


Silver Member
Hi girls,
I'm having my fourth baby and have moved from Exante to SW. Gotta say, I'm delighted at how much I can eat now he he! Exante is brilliant but it tastes like ass. Happy healthy nine months to you all!
Congratulations!! Have a happy and healthy pregnancy! I've gotta agree with you about Exante tasting like ass, it's great for weightloss though. xxxx
Congratulations on no 4 :) How far gone are you? I'm 25+3 today and expecting our 1st baby - a little girl x

There are lots of us on the pregnancy without the pounds forum ladies if you fancy joining? Feel free to add your due dates to the due date thread too :) xx
Congratulation and good luck with SW! There's a sticky thread in here for those of us following SW during pregnancy to chat on and the pregnancy without pounds section too which is v busy with lots of lovely ladies and their bumps currently ;) Hope to see you around xxx