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I've been lurking around wanting to post for a while. Had my 12wk scan yesterday and everything is fine so I figured now might be a good time
I'm 12+4 and baby is due at the end of August.
Pre-pregnancy I lost around 4 1/2 stone (just under half of what I need to loose) and since finding out I lost 12lbs (which has put me to my 1/2 way mark) then put 1lb back on over 2 weeks. Been very lucky with symptoms, haven't had any sickness. I don't really want to put on any more than the essential weight over the next 6 and a bit months so any advice from women who've been through pregnancy without gaining much would be greatly appreciated!
Pre-pregnancy I lost around 4 1/2 stone (just under half of what I need to loose) and since finding out I lost 12lbs (which has put me to my 1/2 way mark) then put 1lb back on over 2 weeks. Been very lucky with symptoms, haven't had any sickness. I don't really want to put on any more than the essential weight over the next 6 and a bit months so any advice from women who've been through pregnancy without gaining much would be greatly appreciated!