Day Four
Another great day

I think this plan is helping my depression and I'm wondering if my carb sensitivity can affect my mood too. I know it's early days but now I think about it, I was consistently stable and upbeat when I did low carb before. I can't quite remember what I was like on LL but I was 18 so was probably a moody cow anyway
I went for a haircut on the other side of London after work as I had a voucher and I usually dread them a) because I've been given too many awful rod stewart haircuts in the past and b) those bloody mirrors everywhere! but it was fine my hairdresser was lovely and he made me feel at ease - even salvaged my hair from the mess the last hairdresser made, without cutting it short which I was not expecting. So pleased! I hope everyone else has had a positive day too.
Breakfast 10:00 -Chocolate shake warmed up. This was ok but I don't think I was able to mix it well enough in the shaker or maybe I didn't heat it for long enough. I enjoyed it anyway as it felt like a comfort (as well as curbing TOTM cravings!)
Lunch 13:45 - Porridge I was really hungry by this point and my stomach was growling a rabid wolf (I wonder if Duran Duran were on VLCD hehe!). I didn't have this the day before so I put it down to having coke zero yesterday evening I know what aspartame does - you'd think I wouldn't drink it then! I thought about this and I think once the 6 cans I have left are gone I'll cut them out too. Aspartame is really not a good thing to put in my body, so why do it?
Dinner 21:00 - Red bean chilli with shiritaki noodles. Was late home (due to haircut) and felt hungry by this time so I had some of the zero carb noodles with the pack. This filled me up and I added some hot pepper sauce and pink Himalayan salt to it. I think the chilli is my favourite not just because I like spicy food but the texture/consistency is nicer.
I've been so busy that I have only had two glasses of water today so that is something I will have to keep an eye on.