Pret Porridge - HEs??

Fifi 1984

Full Member

Apologies if I've put this in the wrong section but just wondered if you think I could count Pret's porridge as a HEA and B? I'm told (by Pret staff) that it's literally just porridge oats and ss milk - nothing else and I just sprinkle a bit of sweetner in. I know it's lazy but on the odd day where I need to rush out and grab something on my way into work, it's the best thing I can think of. Think that would work??
It depends on the amount of oats. 28g and it will be a healthy extra. Best to check next time.
Don't forget to use the milk as a HE too!

PS - there is a Healthy Extras sub forum for next time hun :)
You also need to have a scan bran/ryvita with porridge to make it a hexb.

You don't. It says on SW site that you don't have to eat all the healthy extra choice for it to count.
It says this "
Q: Do I have to eat all my Healthy Extras every day?
A: It won't affect your weight loss if you don't take all your Healthy Extra choices. However, the Healthy Extra section is there to ensure a balanced diet, so from a health point of view we recommend that you enjoy all your Healthy Extras each day."

In the FAQs