well i met up with my new cambridge lady... she is very nice. and seems like she would be very supportive...
next week is full on get on with it week (and make up for any damage i do on the weekend)
i am looking forward to friday night (we are having take away) it is my hubby's and mine 5th ann (not wedding or anything like that) but 5 years since we met... and got together...
we met up in windsor just after i arrived in England (we met on the net and spoke to each other most days for 3-4 months)
and we have been together ever since...
i wouldnt normally have celebrated this occasion.. but 5 years its a long time. and i think it should be celebrated... not with cards or pressies, but with a nice meal. i dont want to go out, so we are going to just sit in front of the tv with a dvd and some yummy thai.. YUM!!
then on sat i have a wedding to go to.. i hope i have made the right decisions in the foods that were on offer (we had to tell them a few weeks ago what we wanted to eat)
and then sunday is back onto plan, and completly 100% and also really get into the sole source!
im so looking forward to end of the month weigh in and also measuring myself! CANT WAIT!
ive had to cancel my gym member ship

i cant afford it with everything for aus and the wedding reception to pay for...) and with doing the cambridge i cant really do the exercise i wanted to be doing, so im going to cancel it until we get back, and then when i finish off losing the weight i want i will join again!...
right must get going...
hope everyone is having a lovely week (i hope i will!!)