if i started up my own group, it would be after i do my nurtitional course that is based in my PT qualifications, and i would do it based around Diet and Exercise... and basing your calories on your BMR (kinda like jillian puts out in all her books)
i would try and get a company like Maximuscle on board and sell their products, and maybe get the gym onboard so i could offer it to anyone coming into the gym that wants to lose weight.
i wouldnt say you can eat what you like as long as its free, because clearly if you sat and ate carbs all day then you are not going to lose weight without doing LOADS of exercise to burn it off before it turning into sugar, which then turns into fat.... (thats the part i never reallllly understood with Slimming world)
weight watchers is done on points, so thats kinda nothing to do with just pure calorie counting, and working from your BMR....
but thats a long way off, maybe in a couple of years.... but right now i need to concentrate on actually gettting a job!!!
im gonna use up the last of my CD stuff ( iwas going to give it away to someone doing cd, or chuck it,) but seeing now idont have to practice what i preach towards slimming world, i can just get rid of those myself... and see how i go, so i might throw one or two of those in a day
hope everyone is going to have a good Friday...

i know im going to try and not let recent things get to me....
i was working late at work last night and all i fancied was BAGEL (they are going to haunt me!!!!!!!!!) and chocolate spread... but i resisted... so credit to me! chuffed with that