thank you my lovelies....
ive been so busy its unbelievable!!!!!
this weekend ive been at silverstone, and that was brilliant.. although i ate sooooo much rubbish, that i gained who knows what in a few days.. wooops!!!! but im back on track this week, and im giving the shakes another go... i need to get this weight off quick, and to be frank i dont want anything to do with sw right now... (sore loser i know but im just so cross with them)
im gonna also take the xenical with it. and see how it goes..... ive got some celebrity slim shakes, (which taste exactly like biggest loser ones and all pretty much taste the same lol) and they are actually under the 5g per 100g.. which is the first ones that ive seen come under the rules. so we will see how they go. but ive been back to my cdc on thursday last week. and her scales are always more than mine (this time 3lbs heavier) so im going to go by her scales seeing as though im not going to sw anymroe (this monday will be my last day because thats when my 6 week countdown finishes..) and i want to say goodbye to everyone... when i feel a little less of a sore loser, then i will come back...
so when i get back down to the weight i was according to sw scales then i will get updating tickers, but i really just cant bare the putting up a gain...

... considering its not really a gain lol...
this week is yet again another busy one... im at work tonight (over night stay as my bosses have gone to Milan to see take that.. ) and ive had to come in at 6:20am.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hence why im on here to early.. as the kids are not up yet.. (well i can hear them but they are playing nicely...)
im gonna need the coffee today... and seriously need to build my will power... as i know today could quite end in disaster with me being tired...
my sister has really annoyed me, because she is calling me selfish... (stupid cow) and she has pissed me off big time!!! as ive not called my parents... or emailed them in a while...
it works both ways too!!!! ehhhhhhhhh.. then she pulls the line, what if something happened to them, you will regret not caling them..
firstly i dont have thier new number (as they have moved) secondly, i have emailed them and i was waiting on a relply, but that was months ago.. and thirdly, ive been sooooo busy, with work, and gym, that when i get home i want to sit with the other half, not spend an hour on the phone to my parents.... yes thats selfish, but i have my own life, and i want to spend time with my husband when i can, as ive not seen much of him...
so stuff my sister to be honest... ... sorry rant over... feel free to get cross at me for thinking that.. seems like most people have had a go at me, so im used to it...
well thats all for me (at 7am in the morning anyway) ill be back on later, and i promise i will catch up on everone else... (sorry ive been neglecting you.......