Pretty little blue Pill!!!- the fight to the end!!!!!

Ummm details...

It's only 16 hours a week, so its part time... but hopefully I can pick up more, and if I show I'm willing to do the work then will be good... and the gym lady said she can try and get me shadowing trainers so get me ahead...
Course should be able to be done through them but will talk to her more....

I can not blooming believe it.... I really thought I was going to have to go down the nanny route again... I was half way through an email to the agency I use when I got the call.....

Today has been a good day, although slipped a little, but hopefully I have been able to drink my way through it... lol..

Can't wait till this weekend... SILVERSTONE! F1 AND 3 DAY TICKETS!! woop woop!.

I'm not on as much anymore as my boss is now at home (packing the house up) and the little one doesn't sleep as long anymore.. so I will keep trying to pop in on my phone....

Hope you are all well..
I am sooooo pleased for you hun, really!!! It's great that you're going to be doing something you really wanted to do, you're going to be fab!!

Hope you have a great weekend!! Sounds like a slot of fun!

Good for you hun!
thank you my lovelies....

ive been so busy its unbelievable!!!!!
this weekend ive been at silverstone, and that was brilliant.. although i ate sooooo much rubbish, that i gained who knows what in a few days.. wooops!!!! but im back on track this week, and im giving the shakes another go... i need to get this weight off quick, and to be frank i dont want anything to do with sw right now... (sore loser i know but im just so cross with them)

im gonna also take the xenical with it. and see how it goes..... ive got some celebrity slim shakes, (which taste exactly like biggest loser ones and all pretty much taste the same lol) and they are actually under the 5g per 100g.. which is the first ones that ive seen come under the rules. so we will see how they go. but ive been back to my cdc on thursday last week. and her scales are always more than mine (this time 3lbs heavier) so im going to go by her scales seeing as though im not going to sw anymroe (this monday will be my last day because thats when my 6 week countdown finishes..) and i want to say goodbye to everyone... when i feel a little less of a sore loser, then i will come back...

so when i get back down to the weight i was according to sw scales then i will get updating tickers, but i really just cant bare the putting up a gain... :(... considering its not really a gain lol...

this week is yet again another busy one... im at work tonight (over night stay as my bosses have gone to Milan to see take that.. ) and ive had to come in at 6:20am.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hence why im on here to early.. as the kids are not up yet.. (well i can hear them but they are playing nicely...)

im gonna need the coffee today... and seriously need to build my will power... as i know today could quite end in disaster with me being tired...

my sister has really annoyed me, because she is calling me selfish... (stupid cow) and she has pissed me off big time!!! as ive not called my parents... or emailed them in a while...
it works both ways too!!!! ehhhhhhhhh.. then she pulls the line, what if something happened to them, you will regret not caling them..
firstly i dont have thier new number (as they have moved) secondly, i have emailed them and i was waiting on a relply, but that was months ago.. and thirdly, ive been sooooo busy, with work, and gym, that when i get home i want to sit with the other half, not spend an hour on the phone to my parents.... yes thats selfish, but i have my own life, and i want to spend time with my husband when i can, as ive not seen much of him...
so stuff my sister to be honest... ... sorry rant over... feel free to get cross at me for thinking that.. seems like most people have had a go at me, so im used to it...

well thats all for me (at 7am in the morning anyway) ill be back on later, and i promise i will catch up on everone else... (sorry ive been neglecting you.......
Oh boy what a life you have . I was thinking about SW last night actually when I was re reading some old posts. Do you think they said what they did because you told them you were on xenical when you signed up?
Dont worry about your sister. if your parents were that bothered by you not getting in touch they would have phoned or emailed to give you their new number . My in- laws work on the 'no news is good news' premise and love it when my hubby does call. Which I do have to remind him to do though.
I hate other peoples scales. I've just got weighed on mine before I go to SW and I know that I will be 3lbs heavier on hers this morning . C'est la vie I suppose
Your boss must have a lot of dosh. They get to go to Milan to see Take That. Everyone else gets Manchester!
lol, yes they are quite well off.... and apparently thats the only tickets they could get hold of (lol really!!!)

my dad has just emailed me with thier new address, number etc, and asking if they have done soemthing wrong because thy hvae not heard from me... ehhhh i wish my parents would go on the basis of no news is good news...

the only person that knew i was taking the tablets at the same time was the sw consultant (who is no longer there)
the only thing i can think of, is that my weight loss hasnt been great this year, and ive gained 1 stone ish. since december last year, and maybe they dont think im in a stable enough mindframe... thats the only thing i can think of, because i tell you what... i was really determined.. and i would love to help people lose weight...

im not as bothered with it anymore, as ive got my foot in the fitness industry, and i will be able to make soemthing work from there, and i will be able to help people lose weight... so at the end of the day im getting what i want...
and maybe ill go and do something of my own one day.
My old consultant is bigger than me. Supposedly lost 6 stone years ago but I don't know whether the weight she is now is the pre or post 6 stone! In fact you can see her on my fb. Look for Sylvia .
maybe not then.....

man im tired.. lol i caved into a little bit of bagel with nutella and peanut butter.... so fingers crossed i get away with that, because if not then i might be loo'ing it later LOL...
Did you reach club 10 etc with sw (I know you've lost over 10% in total but I mean since starting sw?!) I know they don't let you become a c without having reached that!?

Maybe your right maybe that's why?! But taking that in a positive light if you ever go back and loose again you can reapply and I'm sure they'd snap you up?!

Ah parents hey!! Mine work with the no news etc! Lol but they are there to test us sometimes lol

Hope your doing well today - line drawn Under bagel! X
yeah i reached my club 10 in the first few weeks, and did really well, (just this last year has been poo so not been as focused..) but there has to be a reason, and i hate not knowing why..... :(
Nice to see you back hun!!...At least your folks have emailed you... eventually, I'm the same though, it does work both ways :) Try not get worked up by your sister though, stress isn't good for you hun.

I'll look up those shakes after, I've booked to see a cd next wednesday, hopefully be starting then and can say bye bye to this weight, I'll deal with food when it comes to you just so fed up with it all now, i suppose it's what happens after dieting for so long...
so here's to you hun...getting to goal! :)
thanks my lovely...

i prefer the CD ones... they are nicer, and lower in cals, but im just trying to use up what i have.. (wish i didnt buy them now LOL)
but im sure i will get there at some point LOL

are you going to complete ss, or are you going to be on one of the higer plans (or am i asking those questions far too early... lol)
lol! you will get there hun!'ve sort of inspired me to do the cd, so I know you'll get there.

I'm not sure yet, the cdc on the phone said ss or ss+ I'm not sure really what I'd best do... I don't want 4 packs a day, cos thats nearly £50 a week, so would rather do 3 packs and then thats it or do 3 packs, plus a small meal or 3 packs and 200ml of milk (can have cups of tea then which I love) but I'm not sure on the meals... cos of the protein, I don't eat meat, I would try and eat chicken If I really had though (haven't ate it for years)

What do you think?
there are allowed lists for the protien/low carb side of things for the meal options...

ss is 3 packs only, no milk, no food.. (personally.. i can not do this!!! esp when working with kids..)
ss+ is two options... 4 packs plus skimmed milk (which is what i do)
or 3 packs plus an extreemly small piece of chicken/fish/tofu/etc.... and table spoon of veg (all from the allowed list)
810 is 3 packs and a slightly bigger meal.
1000 is then going into 2 packs and a meal, but having salad or fruit at meal times with your packs.
1200 is once again the same as the 1000 just sliughtly more...
1500, i am not too sure about
and then maitenance....

i dont look at the cost of it, i just do it. (which i prob should look at the cost... lol)
I think I'll be heading for ss+ I like the idea of having milk so I can drink tea, if I can have that I should be ok... I'll have to check the meals the cd has..

Well I still have to buy for the kids and they're insanely fussing, and I'm hoping to not go over what I spend now on shopping, I may spend less..

How are you doing today?
That sounds so confusing . How do you keep track of it all?
Ladies (and gents... ) I've been rubbish at minis.... I've not been on for who ever knows how long, diet has kinda just been plodding for every excuse under the sun, and I've started my new job. So I've been a busy bunny....

Life is good though, and I've roughly stayed the same weight.. maybe give or take a few...

I've not been doing cd, well not religiously, but having the odd pack here and there...

Have also been taking the tablets when I can so that's been good.. but I need to get out of the mind set of thinking that I'm not on them so I can eat rubbish (satnav she says with a tuna and cheese panini in front of her at work LOL)
So that's my challenge. Not to lose weight but to change my way of thinking!

Glad to see your back! How have you been finding it without mins?
I know the new job has made it more complicated with the tfr - so are you going to refocus completely on the tfr or continue a mingle of both?

Have you wi yet?