Day 14 urgh just want tmorow morning to be here already

i just want this bludy four weeks to be over now this is so frustrating and i am actually bit scared for tmroow weigh in

have got today work to get over with think today will be a early night again so that tmorow can come round quicker.
I have to keep telling myself the first month on any diet is always the worst time ever

my face js still big n round urgh n cant seem to see any diff why oh why is this so damn hard i want to drop two sizes thst doesnt even sound like a lot one would think it wouldnt take so long but then im thinking what if it does?
I reli am going to see whereabouts i am by end of july coz i reli rlei dont want to not be able to enjoy bit of the summer i know weight loss is a fab feeling but at the same time after everythitn that has happend this year i have also realised life is also short and anything can happen.
Sorry been in such a reflective mood these past two weeks

have no idea why

i think its coz i see so mnay others losing n noticing changes n then there is me lol slowest of them all haha.
I cant even picture myself at size ten anymore as it has been that long reli n truly.
I keep looking in the mirror every five minutes with nothing on as though will magically shrink lmaoo its hilarous the things we put ourselves through for health and vanity reasons lol.
Here goes nothing i sort of hate myself for not starting sooner.
If i did create weight loss charts plaques jars etc would any of you be interested?