Priya CD SS journey

Hi Priya,

Tomorrow's a new day as they say, fresh starts and new beginnings. I completely understand the culture thing. I have European heritage and it's very hard although my dad is traditional in ways yet modern in others. However for me I believe ( I hope) that it's down to the right guy ( I'm a romantic) and after being with a guy who was from a totally different social and cultural background I have seen that he had totally different values and morals but that's not everyone that was him. I ignored this for love ( love is blind) and unfortunately got completely burnt and tbh I've never really recovered however I just think I haven't met someone that's blown me away and also because I've hidden my personality and true self because of confidence issues as well as anxiety and depression ( brought on by my ex) he wasn't to blame I let him control and take over me and manipulate me and to some extent he still does ... I don't go out out because I'm scared il see him and I know my weight is one problem too. I've decided to take a step back and concentrate on me and although my life isn't the best right now it also has the potential to grow and get better ( you've got to stay positive otherwise you will stand still) I think sometimes we stay in our comfort zones because change scares us and we reflect upon the true problems of our unhappiness. My weight is now something I'm learning to control and although my size 8 friends don't need to worry about that I do and then losing weight will help with confidence, health, social, career development and also open more doors.. I used to hire people for a living and although you should never judge a book by its cover we do as a society and I'm silly to think otherwise. Nobody can change anything for us, we on this forum support each other and it's fabulous because there are so many people out there that are ready to judge and put us down. All I can say is do what makes you happy, you have one life, two routes to go down and all I can say ( although it's easy to pass the advise but not take my own advise is) you can't live for your parents or always do what you want them to do because you are right Through time they will change their views on things ... a lot in my family I get is that's it's ok for a boy to bring home 4 girl friends in a year and that's fine but for a girl ( it would never happen but) it would be seen as a disgrace. I do understand where ur parents are coming from I didn't understand where my parents came from until I got burnt however I needed to learn from my mistakes and also to be my own person. They want us to be and have the best in life but I know sometimes we just want to be us and fall for someone irregardless of race, religion or whatever.

Off the topic today I'm sat in bed not sure my in take of water I believe I'm about 3 litres down today not sure. I know Ive had 5 or 6 pints of water and four cups of tea along with drinking less than half of my water bottle so I can't be certain. I'm feeling sick tonight but no idea why. I have to decide on products for the next two weeks tomorrow as Wednesday will be a weigh in. And then im going it alone for over 2 weeks to be honest 2 and a half weeks.

My job has changed today although I'm apprehensive I'm staying positive as the role doesn't change for another 3 months. There are a few plus sides and a few down sides but it wasn't my choice and I should be honoured to have been grateful for the change and opportunity. The person in this job has been seen as unfit to do the role again after I was hired last year to take on her last one. It involves loads of new training and offers a great new challenge. ( not sure if il like it but we will have to see) staff had a huge buffet today and I didn't touch any of it!!!

Tomorrow I'm on a course ... at my old
Work funnily enough which will be nice to see some old faces. ( looking at the plus side)

My cousin gave me some kind of bad news but good news for her that she's now changed the date of her eddying and have brought it forward by 5 months so it means I need to lose the weight in now under 16 months which is easily (sarcasm) achieved. It can be done but will need to stay on track and focused ...
I struggle day to day with a mix of up and downs like we all do! But realistically do I want to look back on photos and cry because I can't bate to look at them or cry with happiness because we will all look so lovely in our dresses.

I keep calculating estimate weight losses and don't knowWhy! Can't seem to just let it take its course and just think what will be will be lol does anyone else work out goals achieved over a period of time

Everyone is doing there best guys keep up all the hard work! I've still got 4 stone 11 to loose! In now 16 months so calculating its roughly 4 1/2 pound a month.

Enjoying the bars so much!!! Can't wait to order more! ❤️
Lucy ur doing soo well i fear my four day cheats will take me back to the beginnign but trying not to think about it im going to take some ducolax rhink to get things moving as not been to the loo for sometime :/ and going back to some peppermint tea as whn was fasting found that used to help with my losses....and back to 4 n bit litres of water its such a long process and journey tbh :( carbs is for sure the enemy going home is the worst thing ever as thats when good seems to take over.

Lucy thanku for the words of advice my confidence has been hit with the weight gain and i keep wondering why didnt i start sooner when the scales were reading like12 stone or whatever why did i wait till i was like 14 odd stone i mena was i blind or what yeah i know got. Ahour glass figure but surely i could have been able to tell that its not curvy anymore but fat thats taken over :(

Not going to give up tho got six weeks to try n shrink drop two sizes n i am determined to get there need to get back to this which wass three years ago it has to be one of these two outfits in six weeks God help me think it will be a mix of ducolax to kee movement and shakes and water and peppermint tea and hope for the best and of course walking as well 10k steps a day x


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Come on Priya. Get back to the wagon. Here take my hand (movie style) and jump right back. I had a little cheat myself this weekend. After almost 5 weeks of being a good girl. But I didn't let that deter me. You fall but you get right back. That's what we fighters do. And you are the most feisty of all of us. Come on come on!
Right i am back on the wagon not even going to stand on thenscaels till like next weekend now after a good few days under my belt lol x
Keep going Priya I know how it feels I've just seen a girl on Instagram and in 6 weeks lost 35 pounds and I've only lost 17 I've got 1 more weigh in left for week 6 but taking it two days early.

Today is weigh day! Hoping for a better loss by 2 pound but I know it's only been 5 days not 7 I have only been eating two products a day and a bunch of vegetables. Hope it works. Busy day at work today got told Monday my job was changing so have to train all again. Very apprehensive and I'm not sure il
Like it but it's only for a year and today is just a one off until September. Wish me luck il need it! My friends getting married today after 20 years so on Saturday is the actual wedding reception as she's away getting married. I have no idea whether to just eat and drink or not! I'm in two minds. Help!?!
Just had my weigh in ... lost 5 pounds so now 14.3 I'm now on my own on plan for two weeks two days!!! Let's hope I can lose 6 pounds before then to get my 2 stone award! Two inches off each of my legs, another 1 1/2 inches off my boobs, 2 inches off my waist. Nothing off hips and arms yet lol but in total I've lost 25 1/2 inches so far! This is a huge loss
For me after only losing 3 pounds in the last two weeks!ideally I'd like to be at 13.11 by the time she gets back which is 3 pound a week loss but I've got events again this weekend with a wedding and also two retirement party's and a day at Thorpe park and the following week another staff party as well as two other birthday parties! Taking it a day at a time! I slightly cheated today as I had 1 mini sausage in the fridge! My best friend has brought her wedding forward by 4 months so I've only got
Now a year to tone and lose 4 stone 3 pounds to get to 10 stone ... 5 stone if I want to look like a skinny next to the size 6 bridesmaids lol
In total 1 stone 8 pounds so far lost!!! And I got a free water bottle today too as well as a lovely client gave me a fitness watch for free so I can keep on track with my steps! Thorpe
Park tomorrow I'm going to take chopped up carrot sticks as well as my bars! X
Fantastic LucyAnn what great inch losses You can get the 6lb off in two weeks I have faith in you, you'll be doing loads of walking tomorrow and dancing at the parties Well done x
Thank you! I'm on my second product as we speak ... can't wait to weigh on my scales on Friday to confirm the amount lost this week. I doubt il lose anymore this week. I've still got a long way to go! 4 stone which to me looks like a stone a month. I didn't put down a target weight on my plan just because it would scare me ( it still does) I think when I get to my 3 stone goal I will be ok. Just tried the toffee bar... not my favourite but hey ho worth a shot. I've got 14 chocolate tetras, 14 chocolate bars, 7 peanut bars, 2 lemon bars, two mint bars, 2 toffee bars, and 1 orange. They are to start on Saturday. Tomorrow I've got
Two peanut bars and a chocolate bar. I've also got 12 mint shakes left
Over from ones I've missed due to events, a walnut and toffee shake, a tomato soup and a spag bol so plenty of variety I suppose if I get bored lol.

Got a bit of a headache need to get some more water in me. I will do weigh ins as I go on the Friday and the following Friday I keep going on the scales I know I shouldn't but hey!
Well done lucy thats fantastic i see mine every two weeks and wil be seeing her today two days early as she away at a convention.

I was looking at myfinance and not good.

So i have decided will stop cambridge on19th august as cant afford it and when i looked back at my losses when i was doing4/3 the lossed r fairly similar so when i did the 4/3 lifrstyle i started nine weeks before 26th of april so my start weight bk then was 14.4 n in nine weeks in tjmr for my birthday i saw 12.2 the only thing that ruined it for me wass i fell ill fortwo whole weeks and was on antibiotics didnt do nothing for my birhtday n just cudnt get bk into my routine of fasting monday tuesdays and thursdays.

My own fault reli lost my routine and ended up getting back to 14.4 wich was my start weight on this. So atm scales reading 13.5 this week has been a disaster not going to lie.

By 19th august will be my ninth week so hoping to see low 12s again so reli the losses for me anyway is similar to 4/3 so wil move over to 4/3 with no breaks whatever till end of september so that wil give me six weeks off camvridge to see if i can lose 10lbs at a minimum and hopefully be in a betterplave by then if not then might hop bk onto cambrdige for five weeks so the month of october n first weeek of november wich will put me hopefully bit closer to goal or feel betterabout myself at least intome for xmas.

I do rate every one that stays on this plan for long time but i knew this time round was only for short term as to me this isnt realsstic to stick to me a vlcd will always be my safety blanket think.

But i judt cant do it or afford it tbh for long periods of time.

4/3 gave me balance n i lost the only tbings didnt lose quicm enud was inches but if i can lose two stone on this in nine weeks hopefully that wil give me a good headstart on the inch front it literally wil be the same loss as when i was on 4/3 so thats my plan of action got five weeksto see what happens and after that i will go over to 4/3 as just cant afford it much longer then that she gives me two weeks wortb so it feels like a bigger amount each time i pay her and not weekly even tho it adds up to the same amount either way lol.

I need to restart paying off my credit cards tbh and save money and i feel much bettet having got a plan of action now in my mind xx: )
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Right so had my fourth weigh in early two days early and it hd to be evening as she would be away at a convention this weekend n she weighed me in the evening n the scales read 13.10 now with my previous three weigh ins my scales in the morning always matched with hers so i defo think it was coz it was evening coz yesterday mornign when i weighed mysel it said 13.4 whcih gave me my first stone probz cudv lost more but had a **** week this week starting from like last thursday tbh :/ so anyway she recorded the evenign weigh im so didnt get my first stone rosset but had lost five inches i tried explaining to her tha ti weighed d13.4 in the monrings but hey ho she said it was perfectly fine if i had gained as mos tppl do stal or gain in third or forth week :/.

This mornig weiged and it said 13.4 again so sent tha tto her n she goes well in two weeks time i shud defo get the first stone roseete :/ and lost five inches.

S12s jeans stil dotn fit me but what i might do is on payday go to asda and buy soem stretchy s10-12 called wonderfit they r amazing jeans and 20 quid a pop actually reli good n going to try my luck with them.

She has givne me a spreadsheet for ten stone mini goal but i know im not goig to stay on it for that long just cant afford to be handign over 100 quid every two weeks in one go as much as i want to i just cant justify it.

:( reli going to push myself to see eithe rbang on 12 stone on my ninth weigh in or at least 11.13 i have deleted all food apps on my fone and uber app so wil force me to get out of the flat sooner as thats where think fair bit of money goes i dont know why coz i bludy wake up wth the birds just laze round in bed for far tok long eithe rom fb or on here or start reading a book on kindle urgh xxx


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Lost five inches just wish the inches would hurry up already and take me down a damn size lol back on plan and ready to rumble for the next five weeks give me atrength
Go you Priya! I stalled on week 4 and 5 with only 3 pound between losses I want to be a size 16 already think I have another stone to go though. My aim I've been given is 3 pounds by my consultant for the next two weeks mine is 6 pounds to lose my second stone! Then il be 3 stone 11 to my goal weight. My mini goal is to get to 13.2 when I last was on this diet and my next one will be 12.7 which is the weight of the bride before she starts the diet. Funny me and my sister are totally different shapes and I'm only now approx 6 pounds heavier but we aren't the same dress size even though our height is the same by about an inch. Her legs are very skinny! Had a wobble last night still feel rubbish but I've got the wedding later and I'm seeing the friend who's having a not so good time. Need to jump on this water intake today lol. Flush all the bad vibes out.
U have so got this lucy ur doing brilliantly :) so well done on that note :) i know every one is so diff my sister is about bit mroe then 11 stone i think but she is a 12 but looks smaller then that and is taller then me by lile 2-3 inches makes all the dman diff lol x
Hi Priya, well done on the inch loss bet you feel better. I know what you mean though think we all want to wake up and be slim, that would be so amazing. Got WI tomorrow I don't seem to be losing much at all so the consultant says I have to cut down on the water flavouring, which I will do but I won't be drinking as much water though
Hey Priya. How's it going? 5 inches is good progress. And 4 weeks done already! You got this. Keep at it and you'll see the 12 stone mark soon.
Heyaa im ok thanku but cant do this much longer im going to do two more weeks think then call it a day the cost is hitting me reli hard :( evry two weeks.

If i can get the 12s on the scales in the next two weeks then will see that as a win but eah after that cant do it much longer :(
Hi Guys

Even with a dodgy hand I can't stay away. Mr too Obs, mine the last two weeks have been slow, but then I've noticed that the shape of my body is shrinking and changing for the better.

I guess our bodies can only focus on priority at a time. Mine is working on shrinking the skin back to my bones.

Priya everyday is a bonus but you have a plan so if you do decide to leave make sure you come back with updates and stay strong and positive and you will find who you want to find.

Hi Priya
Sorry I'm so bad at posting lately. I've started you 5/2 kinda diet but using Cambridge products for now. It's working. I'm losing more weight be eating than I was starving and being hungry all the time!

My body was in ketosis as my wee smelt funny but I was always hungry. Now I have a shake 200 cals, lunch for whatever calories usually ham/chicken/eggs/cheese and another shake or bar for tea. Then on the 2 days I have 2 products.

I got to 10.12 for my dress fitting. You can do this girl, alter it to suit. Shakes on their own can lead to blips but if you add a meal and a bar if you need sewer sonthjng you'll be back on track.

Don't focus on the wrongs but on the rights xx
Yeah ur right i am going bk to 4-3 and not getting naymore shakes i have three weeks worth of shakes :) so going bk to 4 litres daily and monday tuesday n thursdays fasts and lots of walking as and whne n judt hope the weight n inches drop off me haha mite use jjst shakes in the last two weeks before the family wedding but for the next theee weeks think im going bk to 4/3.

Im glad to hear its working for u Nia :) i hope this works for me again hehe.. well done on ur loss hun xxx

Kepe melosted if ur on fb nia then let me know or feel free to post on here and let me know how its going xxx