Hi Priya,
Tomorrow's a new day as they say, fresh starts and new beginnings. I completely understand the culture thing. I have European heritage and it's very hard although my dad is traditional in ways yet modern in others. However for me I believe ( I hope) that it's down to the right guy ( I'm a romantic) and after being with a guy who was from a totally different social and cultural background I have seen that he had totally different values and morals but that's not everyone that was him. I ignored this for love ( love is blind) and unfortunately got completely burnt and tbh I've never really recovered however I just think I haven't met someone that's blown me away and also because I've hidden my personality and true self because of confidence issues as well as anxiety and depression ( brought on by my ex) he wasn't to blame I let him control and take over me and manipulate me and to some extent he still does ... I don't go out out because I'm scared il see him and I know my weight is one problem too. I've decided to take a step back and concentrate on me and although my life isn't the best right now it also has the potential to grow and get better ( you've got to stay positive otherwise you will stand still) I think sometimes we stay in our comfort zones because change scares us and we reflect upon the true problems of our unhappiness. My weight is now something I'm learning to control and although my size 8 friends don't need to worry about that I do and then losing weight will help with confidence, health, social, career development and also open more doors.. I used to hire people for a living and although you should never judge a book by its cover we do as a society and I'm silly to think otherwise. Nobody can change anything for us, we on this forum support each other and it's fabulous because there are so many people out there that are ready to judge and put us down. All I can say is do what makes you happy, you have one life, two routes to go down and all I can say ( although it's easy to pass the advise but not take my own advise is) you can't live for your parents or always do what you want them to do because you are right Through time they will change their views on things ... a lot in my family I get is that's it's ok for a boy to bring home 4 girl friends in a year and that's fine but for a girl ( it would never happen but) it would be seen as a disgrace. I do understand where ur parents are coming from I didn't understand where my parents came from until I got burnt however I needed to learn from my mistakes and also to be my own person. They want us to be and have the best in life but I know sometimes we just want to be us and fall for someone irregardless of race, religion or whatever.
Off the topic today I'm sat in bed not sure my in take of water I believe I'm about 3 litres down today not sure. I know Ive had 5 or 6 pints of water and four cups of tea along with drinking less than half of my water bottle so I can't be certain. I'm feeling sick tonight but no idea why. I have to decide on products for the next two weeks tomorrow as Wednesday will be a weigh in. And then im going it alone for over 2 weeks to be honest 2 and a half weeks.
My job has changed today although I'm apprehensive I'm staying positive as the role doesn't change for another 3 months. There are a few plus sides and a few down sides but it wasn't my choice and I should be honoured to have been grateful for the change and opportunity. The person in this job has been seen as unfit to do the role again after I was hired last year to take on her last one. It involves loads of new training and offers a great new challenge. ( not sure if il like it but we will have to see) staff had a huge buffet today and I didn't touch any of it!!!
Tomorrow I'm on a course ... at my old
Work funnily enough which will be nice to see some old faces. ( looking at the plus side)
My cousin gave me some kind of bad news but good news for her that she's now changed the date of her eddying and have brought it forward by 5 months so it means I need to lose the weight in now under 16 months which is easily (sarcasm) achieved. It can be done but will need to stay on track and focused ...
I struggle day to day with a mix of up and downs like we all do! But realistically do I want to look back on photos and cry because I can't bate to look at them or cry with happiness because we will all look so lovely in our dresses.
I keep calculating estimate weight losses and don't knowWhy! Can't seem to just let it take its course and just think what will be will be lol does anyone else work out goals achieved over a period of time
Everyone is doing there best guys keep up all the hard work! I've still got 4 stone 11 to loose! In now 16 months so calculating its roughly 4 1/2 pound a month.
Enjoying the bars so much!!! Can't wait to order more!