sweet.. I agree with the others..You deserve to be treated like a princess.
I think it is sometimes easy to fall into the trap of talking ourselves around to the idea that everything is ok in a relationship. Whatever you decide is down to you, but take a long hard look at it... I had to with my own.
In the time you have been together, have you spent more time, worried, confused, jealous, insecure, over anxious, as if you hound them, annoyed, fed up, waiting for them to text, worried you have over texted,more times tearful than the times you should have a hard time to remember, the occasions of being happy, where you were so happy and smiling and feeling loved, and fulfilled and secure.. If you can count the number of times he made you feel special.. maybe that is telling you something..
Also.. the msn thing.. I think any man that finds time to text, email, or message via the internet, should have enough time to actually dial the number into his phone and call you and speak sweet nothings to you. At least in my own experience.. it was a way of letting me believe the things I wanted, and keeping me arms length... we find it easier to put meaning into a text, it is only words, and yet we sometimes build it up to mean so much more... its better a man can say it to you..rather than type it with one hand as he chats to his mates.
This is my own selfish personal opinion.. so don't let it guide you but hopefully it might make you question some things.
A woman and a man.. both deserve to be in a relationship where they do not have to worry about the other or the others feelings, when it is right.. you both just know that the other is secure, or when they need reassurance.
On the other hand... if you feel he is right for you, there is no need to rush things, or put a time scale on it.. if it is going to work it will withstand time apart.
Deep feelings develop over time, and only you know. Never worry about what you should or shouldn't be doing in the eyes of other people. The heart is a very delicate thing, and falling in love with the right person means we are handing over to that person, the power to destroy us, and trusting and knowing that they won't.
Sometimes we have to get hurt in order to know how the right one should treat us.
Like the others said, never be afraid to tell the guy how you feel or whats upsetting you... because if he is the right man.. he should hug you and value that you had the courage and security to tell him in the first place.. if he sulks and rows back.. well...