Hiya Priya, Found you! Just catching up before another restart!! My last one ended with an epic fail after my little girl ended up in hospital for 5 days. Hospital food, followed by comfort eating to help my stress has made my clothes even tighter!!! I'm not even sure how much exactly I've put on, as my scales died when I stood on them this morning. I'm hoping just the battery, but I could be that heavy that they died in disgust lol Anyway my plan is to get back on the packs on the 1st for a month or so, then join you here on the fasting pages. I'm out for New Years, otherwise I'd love to get started tomorrow. I feel so bloated! you seem to be getting into the swing of fasting. Do you feel a little less restricted now you can have some real food? Are you out for New Year? Xx
How are you enjoying your fitbit? Hope you have a lovely New Year x
Glad to see your still doing well. X
Happy New Year to you honey. Hope it's a successful one, this may help motivation... http://www.minimins.com/5-2-fasting/348376-easter-2015-challenge.html
Can i plz add ne one with a fit bit? Could do with some help n motivation? Doin welll so far onli been drinking water so far...do need to defrost the salmon its bagged up fresh salmon so no bar coden on mfp so mny salmon options wich oen to pick? Thinkin 150g salmon x
I'm the same as Lexie. I'd love to be more supportive but I do find it difficult to figure it out... Sorry. I'll try harder xxx
Hi, here to subscribe, sounds like you're doing really well. I'm expecting my fitbit flex to arrive today...