Profile Pic


Full Member
I cant seem to be able to load a profile picture. I go to CP and it only gives me a option to edit avatar when I click on that it tells me I dont have permission. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong.
I wanted an Avatar pic too, looked in the help section and it seems you have to make 20 posts before you can upload one.
HA, Sounds like a good idea. I have no clue how many I already posted but I hope i'm getting closer to the 20.
Ohhh, Thanks a bunch now I know !!! I never even noticed that, isnt that sad !
woooohhhoooooooooo me toooooooooo
Nope, still won't let me :( I'm clicking on UserCP>Edit Avatar It shows 'Your current avatar' 'no avatar specified' the 'do not use an avatar' button is checked and there's no way to uncheck it - there's no option to upload one.

I checked the instructions and it says this is how to do it...
How do I set signatures, avatars and profile pictures?
You can set and change your signature, avatar and profile picture in the User Control Panel (providing the administrator has made these options available)....

To select an existing or upload a new avatar, click on 'Edit Avatar'.
I couldnt load one right away either. I just kept checking back and then it finally said I could load one. Try again !!
LOL, There must be a lag or something in the system. Buy yayy you have a pic now
I soooooooooooo want a pic and it wont let me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arggggggggggghhhhhhhh