She's back and she clearly means business!
LOL. :8855: I'm very good at talking the talk, anyway. Walking the walk takes me a bit longer...
I posted this on Mel's Gold Diary earlier and to save me writing it all again, I'll copy and paste it here.
I've been doing lots of research again lately, from thinking about getting me a life coach (quite seriously thinking about that one) to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and most recently, Emotional Freedom Techniques (for the uninitiated, that involves tapping acupressure points whilst thinking about problems. Sounds mad, but it's supposed to work).
One of the things that's shouted at me this week is the idea (an NLP idea) that you need to have a goal beyond the goal. That if weight loss is your goal, then you need to think about what your goal is once you've lost weight. Might be to get fit, to take a cruise, to go travelling, to get a new job, etc., etc. But you can't just have the one goal. Because if you don't, if you're losing weight for a wedding, for example, then you'll probably put the weight back on after the wedding because you didn't set yourself a new goal. Seems to make a whole lot of sense.
And I've been rubbish at goal-setting just lately. I've been wandering along on my diet journey with no clear idea of my destination, let alone where I might want to go next. If the NLP stuff is right, I need to be a lot more specific. I need to declare, to the universe (or at least to myself!) that I want to be 12 stones, not just mutter those vague and woolly words, "I want to lose weight." Cos how much weight is enough? If I lose 3 pounds, then I'll have achieved my mission, won't I? But 3 pounds isn't nearly enough.
No, my dream needs more detail, more focus. And I need to be a lot more pro-active about planning the journey.
So what I need to do is actually quite simple. I think you're right that there comes a point where you need to give up on Cambridge, once and for all. I thought I'd reached that point before (last April, to be precise), but I wasn't specific enough about what I'd do instead, LOL. I thought I'd lose some pounds doing Marisa Peer's diet (and I did!), but I forgot to decide how many and over what time frame.
You've helped me reach a decision, hun. I'm giving Cambridge one last whirl - and I'm going to take a leaf out of Spangles' book and set myself a time limit. I'm going to aim to SS or SS+ for the next 12 weeks - but no matter what happens, Sunday 29 April will be the last day that I'll ever be able to do SS again (that's 12 weeks from today). At that point, I'll start working up the steps and will switch to another diet if I feel I want to lose more weight from there onwards.
If I do manage to do SS for 12 weeks, I should lose 3 stones fairly easily. I'm giving myself that option. I'm also giving myself the option of messing about with Cambridge and not losing 3 stones. But the point is, if I do mess about, 12 weeks from now, there'll be no re-run. No more SS-ing.
It's weird, but it's a huge relief to have reached this decision. You know I've mentioned Groundhog Day recently (in terms of the Bill Murray film!) - well, no more.
It's time to move on and stop looking backwards!
Ha! So now I've gone and done it.

I've committed, for sure.
Be committed or get committed, that should be my motto!