Thank you Lou and Wannabe10stone!
Today I've had a busy busy one, but been sooo hungry! Possibly because I've been exercising alot (about 3 hrs of it!) and possibly because I'm just a heffer in general
Today so far/planned:
B: Porridge = 5ppts
Grapes = 0ppts
L: Veg Soup = 0pts
3 slices of Nimble (spread out over the day) = 4ppts
Bacon (to go in soup) = 2ppts
D: Cajun Combo (chicken, chorizo and prawns with rice) = 8ppts
S: Cookies = 2ppts
WW Slice = 2ppts
Crackerbread = 1ppt
Ham = 1ppt
So far thats 25ppts out of 36ppts, meaning I have 11ppts left over - I'll probably have a yoghurt and some fruit later on, or maybe a bowl of cereal.
Earned 11 Activity points today and still have 44 weekly left.
Today I've had a busy busy one, but been sooo hungry! Possibly because I've been exercising alot (about 3 hrs of it!) and possibly because I'm just a heffer in general
Today so far/planned:
B: Porridge = 5ppts
Grapes = 0ppts
L: Veg Soup = 0pts
3 slices of Nimble (spread out over the day) = 4ppts
Bacon (to go in soup) = 2ppts
D: Cajun Combo (chicken, chorizo and prawns with rice) = 8ppts
S: Cookies = 2ppts
WW Slice = 2ppts
Crackerbread = 1ppt
Ham = 1ppt
So far thats 25ppts out of 36ppts, meaning I have 11ppts left over - I'll probably have a yoghurt and some fruit later on, or maybe a bowl of cereal.
Earned 11 Activity points today and still have 44 weekly left.