I have a Sony PRS-350 e-reader and I love it, although the little stylus pointer thing broke after about a week and I can't get a replacement
I was torn between that and the Kindle, and there isn't a huge difference between them. The main selling points of the Sony over the Kindle for me were a) Sony has a touch screen, the Kindle doesn't and b) it's 100% better looking, all silvery and metal.
It depends what you're after really - with the Kindle you can buy books through the Kindle itself which is good, with the Sony you have to download them onto your computer and use the cable to put them on the device which is less convenient. Also you can either buy a WiFi or 3G Kindle - with the 3G one I think you get free 3G internet in most countries so you can buy books wherever you are, which I think probably explains the better reviews the Kindle gets. Also, the Mobi format e-books (the special format for Kindle) are usually slightly cheaper via Amazon than the ePub format (used on other readers) books are from Waterstones or WHSmiths.
In terms of screen quality, they're about the same. They both have the non-back lit e-ink screen that looks like paper and both are brill to read from. I hear that the Sony has a very slightly better quality screen but the Kindle has a nicer font to read but I've never done a side by side comparison, this is just from my research when I was trying to choose between them. Overall I can see why more people would choose the Kindle, I'm just shallow about the look of my gadgets :flirt2:.
Sorry for the ramble, that was really long, phew!
I was torn between that and the Kindle, and there isn't a huge difference between them. The main selling points of the Sony over the Kindle for me were a) Sony has a touch screen, the Kindle doesn't and b) it's 100% better looking, all silvery and metal.
It depends what you're after really - with the Kindle you can buy books through the Kindle itself which is good, with the Sony you have to download them onto your computer and use the cable to put them on the device which is less convenient. Also you can either buy a WiFi or 3G Kindle - with the 3G one I think you get free 3G internet in most countries so you can buy books wherever you are, which I think probably explains the better reviews the Kindle gets. Also, the Mobi format e-books (the special format for Kindle) are usually slightly cheaper via Amazon than the ePub format (used on other readers) books are from Waterstones or WHSmiths.
In terms of screen quality, they're about the same. They both have the non-back lit e-ink screen that looks like paper and both are brill to read from. I hear that the Sony has a very slightly better quality screen but the Kindle has a nicer font to read but I've never done a side by side comparison, this is just from my research when I was trying to choose between them. Overall I can see why more people would choose the Kindle, I'm just shallow about the look of my gadgets :flirt2:.
Sorry for the ramble, that was really long, phew!