Prostate Cancer


I am one of the 63336
My partner's sister's partner's dad (hope that makes sense! Matt's dad for ease sake!) died of prostate cancer which had spread to his bones etc on New Year's Eve. It was only diagnosed a month or so before.

I've just had a call from my dad. He had a PSA test (Prostate cancer tests : Cancer Research UK : CancerHelp UK) done last week. For someone of his age (73 next month), a reading of approx. 5 is normal. His is 21 so in the very high risk category. He is due to have a biopsy on Thursday but to be realistic, even if he had an infection etc it wouldn't have pushed his levels up that high!

So, feeling a little numb at the moment. Also feel awkward as it's not that long ago I was talking to my family about what had happened to Matt's dad. But then I think I'll feel awkard talking to my OHs family about my dad.

I've had a look round the internet and I'm NOT one for expecting the worst BUT it is a high reading. Apparently a reading of 10 with no underlying cause (eg an infection) means roughly a 50% chance of having it.

Sorry for the ramble, not sure who else to 'talk' to xxx
((hugs)) Sue.
All I can say is if it is not good news, then let's hope they've caught it early enough for treatment.
Stay positive hun, I know it's not easy. xx
Sending you positive thoughts and hugs Sue. XX
It's hard, but try to be positive. Sending you hugs xx
good luck sue try to think the best hun x i know its hard and the internet is leathal at times like these xxxxxxxx
((Hugs)) im sorry to hear about all this hun, but nothing is definate yet.. you can only wait and see, dont allow yourself to get too stressed about the un-known..

sending you loads of positive vibes. xxoxx
Just wanted to send you a huge hug. Perhaps best to not search the internet for possible causes yet, and end up worrying yourself sick.

I hope the results are clear when they come back.
Thank you all for your support - it's very much appreciated xx

Apparently he has the biopsy on Thursday and the results can take up to 10 working days to come back so quite a wait! x
I know it's hard, but like knitter said, if caught early the prognosis is good. At least they know about it and can do something now.
I used to work in the NHS and one debate they had was whether it was worth testing for prostate cancer as it is such a slow growing cancer (normally) that people tended to die of natural causes before it got them. They wondered whether it was worth worrying people or not.

The fast growing version is rare so don't worry. IF he has got it in all likelihood its the slow growing type.
Fingers crossed that your Dad gets the all clear. *hugs* for you. I know its been said,but try to stear clear of google etc, It'll only make you worry even more. Xxx
Hi Suepat,

Firstly thank you for talking to us, i have gone through a similar thing recently and know its hard to tell anyone.

I hope everything goes okay and we've all got our fingers crossed for your dad. I can apprechiate it must be hard to talk to your partners family after what they have just been through but remember they may be able to help and can definately sympathise.

Keep positive and i hope everything turns out well for you

Well, my father received a letter this morning saying he has a prostate scan booked for next Thursday and a body scan booked for the Thursday after.

My gut feeling is that that means they've found something and need to check whether it's localised or has spread but I don't know for definite and haven't seen the letter
Fingers crossed Suepat - we're currently waiting to hear back on my grandma's results for her scans.

It's worrying but we do have world-class healthcare - they'll do the very best for your dad xxx
Well, my father received a letter this morning saying he has a prostate scan booked for next Thursday and a body scan booked for the Thursday after.

My gut feeling is that that means they've found something and need to check whether it's localised or has spread but I don't know for definite and haven't seen the letter

(((HUGS))) sorry to hear that hun, hopefully they're just being thorough.

If they have found something then hopefully its early, so that treatment will be easier.

hugs and kisses xxx