Protein flavouring?



Sorry if this question has been asked but I cant seem to find the answer.
With regards to protein meal can we flavour like the chicken... and what with?
For instance can i buy M&S ready to eat mexican chicken or something similar? What do I have to look out for is it the sugar content?

sugar, citric acid and salt from what I gather.
I think you can use any herbs/spices that don't contain the above ingredients. I'm sure someone else will clarify this
I'm not sure what the official advice would be - for that you'd be best off contacting SnS. But personally I do have the mexican chicken from M&S. When I was on the diet I would check my overall carbs and calorie intake using My Fitness Pal and as long as I was around 60g of carbs or less a day I was happy. I think the mexican chicken is around 1.5g of carbs (can't remember off hand) compared to 0g for plain chicken - just consider whether that fits in with the rest of your food that day.

You can use all sorts of herbs and spices. Beware though of mixed spices - such as curry powder - as many companies add sugar and such like. In fact I would advise you to use lots of spices and experiment as it keeps things interesting.