Ahoy shipmates!
Hope you're all enjoying this glorious weather
I've got a day off work today (yippee!) as I'm treating my friend for her birthday. Bought her a makeover session (she gets her hair styled, make-up done and a photo session including two A4 prints) from Groupon. It was a ridiculous price (£9!) so if it's pants, then it really doesn't matter. On the other hand, if it's brilliant then it will be a proper bargain and we all love one of those

the important thing is that we get to spend some quality time together without the ankle-munchers' constant demands (much as we love them!).
After the photo session we'll go for lunch and a chinwag. Was contemplating having a 'gala meal' and coming off plan but Lotto has inspired me with her motivational quotes this morning, particularly, 'I never said it would be easy, I said it would be worth it'! LOVE that, LOVE it

so, I'm fired up and ON plan for the day. Cheers Lotto xxx
Well girls, you'll never guess what was waiting for me when I got home last night .... nope, you'll never guess so take a look at the photo!
A beautiful, belated anniversary gift from our very own Mon! What a sweetheart, huh? And, and, and what a clever girl! Thank you Mon
Right then, off to put my war paint on. It might be Vicky's day, but she's not stealing the show without a fight ....
P x
PS - weigh-in was a loss of 1.5 lbs yesterday. Ridiculously disappointed with that, so it's acknowledged, banked and we're moving on. "Head down, bum up" - copyright Minimin Sid, 2012