Yo gals! At our group you get the clap just for turning up ... which I did!!
Funny old week in our house as my baby started school yesterday (had a taster day on Monday, but properly started yesterday) so I'm a bit at sixes and sevens!
It's very emotional, he's a bit teary in the mornings and shattered at night and I've changed my working hours so I can walk him to school each day. I now start work at 10am and finish around 6pm, getting home at 7:00pm. For a lark, rather than an owl, this is going to be tougher than I thought!! I like getting up at 5am and going to bed at 9pm!! Ah well, the school run (walk!) is important to me and I'm very lucky to have an accommodating boss
On top of all this, Kev starts another new job in a week's time. Aaaargh!!! Bloody men. After the big fanfare and celebrations, he's decided that being a postie isn't for him and he's going back to the world of meat. His dad was a butcher, he is a trained butcher and he is surprised by how much he misses it. Hours are sensible (6am to 3pm) and it's a local company, so no more 100 mile daily commute.
Fallen off the wagon a bit with my eating this week (any old hiccough in routine, any old excuse, yadda yadda yadda) but nothing too drastic. Will keep plodding on.
For those of you not on Facebook (why not?!

), here is my muncher trying on his school uniform. Ah, I bloody love that little guy
Happy Friday all!
P x