Psycho Kitty's slimming aid (how many activity points for typing? ;))

Hiya Emma, thank you!

Well here it is week 1lb. A tad disappointing hoping for the 2lb so I could have lost 7lb in total but.... oh well 1lb is still good, 4 packs of butter gone :D

My mood is better today and thats most important to happy day today :)

NOTE to self: :character00116:STEP UP THE EXERCISE WOMAN!!!:character00116:

Well done!! You're right - 1lb is still good! Very good!

I'm another who needs to step up the exercise - i'm so lazy!!! Lol x
First huge thanks to pierce who sorted my facebook url! yay!

I blew my diet yesterday, strangest thing is I lost .4 of a lb this morning..go figure.
I didnt blow it with anything major, just ate 3 packs of go-ahead instead of one, ate ww icecream cone,ww lemon meringue 3?4? packs of square crisps..I cant remember all of it but I had no proper meals all day, oh no wait I had a ww pizza, and then last thing I ate about 10-15 I needed to stuff my face, just glad it wasnt with mars bars and cake and the like.

You may notice I have a lot of ww products in the means if I want something quick its at hand as a healthy daughter has regular crap, aero mousses and reg pizzas, choc, biscuits etc so I compensate for that....looks like it paid off.
Now I dont feel like I 'broke' my diet, just went over points a bit ( :)just a bit!) back on track today.

I went off on one because I had bad day yesterday..mental healthwise...still i'm ok today..keep on going...
I've been a bit off track, and now I'm going to be away for a couple of days, first to my mothers for sunday lunch, in a few minutes, just waiting for my uncle to pick me up, and then on monday to Windsor for the I wont be able to weigh in till tuesday. I weighed this morning and had put on 2lbs..that sucks but its no surprise.
I just have to get this couple of days out of the way and see what I weigh tuesday morning then try to reverse the damage and step up my game..exercise more like.
This weekend has put my anxiety levels up, hence the overeating
I'm still here...put on a pound, I was lucky considering what I've eaten..sunday lunch was gorgeous..I havent been on my diet for a few days. Only started again today.I cant believe last night I ate a whole bag of wine gums....bad girl LOL.

Oh well who cares as long as I'm still here, still going..I dont care how long this takes and how many little steps back i take..I will lose it eventually, I've never been so determined :)

No more trips planned or family get togethers....not till october so I've got no excuses now!
Still going -plod plod plod, plodding along. I've not been very active or interactive on the forums, sometimes I struggle to 'speak' finding it easier to just play my games online (facebook mostly) and get on with the very few things I have to do in real track points and housework :)
Its just one of my quieter times.
I have now lost that extra pound I regained so hopefully will be back to losses again this monday..though I am thinking I'll change my weign ins to sunday when I can go over my points a little and have some extra treats. dunno yet. *sigh* I have to see the disabilities advisor at the job centre today, not looking forward to it, no idea what he's going to say as I havent been fully diagnosed yet..I did tell him this but he said to 'come and have a chat' anyway and promptly booked me this appointment..blah. It is my signing day so hopefully I'll get off lightly as regards job searches.
Start Date: 25 May 2010
Start Weight: 210lbs
Weight to Lose: 5st = 70lbs
End Date :24 Jan 2011 (35 weeks )

broke it into 21 goals, lb markers and stone markers :)
in the lbs I'm aiming for the 5's, i.e 205, 195,185, etc, and also getting under the 10's like 199, 189,179, 169 etc
The stones is simple enough, just next stone, and half stone, putting the two together gives me smaller goals, well it works for me anyway LOL, it does seem a little complex maybe.
Putting it here I can copy and paste it to update it.. whenever.. and perhaps use it in my sig sometime/when/where

--lbs --Stones ---Date acheived
1 205 =14st 9 --4/6/2010
2 203 =14st 7 --23/6/2010
3 199 =14st 3
4 196 =14st
5 195 =13st 13
6 189 =13st 7
7 185 =13st 3
8 182 =13st
9 179 =12st 11
10 175 =12st 7
11 169 =12st 1
12 168 =12st
13 165 =11st 11
14 161 =11st 7
15 159 =11st 5
16 155 =11st 1
17 154 =11st
18 149 = 10st 9
19 147 =10st 7
20 145 =10st 5
21 ==140 ==10st
22 139 9st 13
23 135 9st 9
24 133 9st 7
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That sounds like a good plan :) x
My mental health went a bit off the rails, so I've been a bit absent from the WW plan but I have lost a lb this morning.
I'm now on another medication as well as the previous one, and I lost my appetite, not a bad thing when you need to lose 70lbs!! lol
I'm now long as I dont put on I'm happy, as my 1st med, the AD, causes weight gain.
I'll get back on track more once my mood evens out a bit more, hopefully that will be soon!
Having a problem eating correctly. My new med is playing havoc with my stomach..its very difficult to eat before 4pm at the earliest.
My mother came over today and she always takes us out for I ordered the soup of the day, but I could only manage a couple of spoonfuls and 3/4 of the plain white bap that went with it. I did dunk the bread so had some soup that way..but my stomach was turning over, its still churning now.
In one way this may be a good way to lose weight, but on the other hand it isnt supposed to be good to miss meals but I just cant help it.
My mental health is going thru a bad patch too..all in all not good, dietwise or moodwise.
Lost another lb, but its down to not eating rather than diet. oh well....plod on, hopefully it'll come right soon.
I started dieting on 25th may, so today, 25th June, I've lost a total of 8lbs in my first month. I'm pleased with that.
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well done Kitty - keep it up and i'm sure there will be plenty more lbs to disappear too :) x
thank you! I appreciate the support :)

My appetite picked up yesterday but so did the points, but lets hope now, from today, I can manage proper meals again.
I've decided to change my diet for a couple of weeks just to rekindle my passion, such as it was lol, to lose weight.
I've spent a month on WW and lost the 8lbs, I've paid for 3 months but I'm might be able to combine the new diet and still track it as points too..anyways I'm gonna do slimfast.
I've done it before and I enjoy the shakes and its very simple to follow..I like simple, my poor brain doesnt function on all cylinders at the this will suit me, maybe till my new med kicks in properly.
I was looking thru the slimfast forum and saw links for myfitnesspal, and signed I'll track my new diet there.

This means I'll be sorta doing WW on slimfast; and point & calorie counting..:8855:if I start to gain or nothing's happening, I'll switch back to WW.

I just need to keep my interest going, dieting gets monotonous after a while and I'm waning.:(
ha! this is so weird.. I've been following slimfast, had my snacks & shakes, and just had my dinner, and I'm full! but heres the weird thing, according to I still have 300 cals left, and in WW still 4 points!
I dont understand lol, I'm full and I've eaten well but I still have spare cals and points.....methinks I like this diet!!
Fitnesspal is also tracking nutrients such as fat and carbs and I'm still below the maximums, so slimfast must be its low fat as well.
I definitely think this combination is gonna work for me.
I've drunk my quota of water today also.
This is good, looking forward to my monday weigh in :)
Just ordered a pedometer and a book, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) for weight loss, its called the becks diet solution. Someone in another forum, here, recommended it, and after reading about it on Amazon I ordered it.
Thought it was time to get serious about the exercise, so decided on a pedometer so I can have a go at that 10,000 steps a day thing :)
It was a 2lb loss, in the end, for this week 9lbs down 61 to go.....I really need a 2lb every week, but some is better than none I suppose :)
I'm still going, lost another pound, but I'm having a few problems with my new head is all over the place ..

I checked my scales against the scales in Boots, they showed the same weights, its good to know my scales are accurate
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I've had a few problems with my mental health, and new meds, so went off track for a while, I'm currently 203lbs which isnt so bad, but then I dont eat now, the new med has killed my appetite, so I cant really say I'm still dieting but I am losing weight. I did go back up to whatever. Just thought I'd look in and update whats going on. I'm hoping to settle back into an actual diet plan in a couple of weeks... maybe.
HI Kitty, reading your story we're quite similar in a few ways.
It's horrid being on AD's because they do make a lot of people gain...that's how I put my first 3st on back in the early 90's when I was going through mental health issues for the first time.
It may be a good time for you to focus a bit less on a diet plan and more on eating a bit healther, you know, just till you start feeling more yourself.
Don't be too hard on yourself - be nice to yourself till you're a bit more settled.
Look forward to reading your updates on your journey.
Good luck hun!
Oh Kitty, I forgot to say, I've got the Beck book too. When you're feeling up to it, if you want to work through it together day by day give me a shout and I'll join you.