In reply to your message pudge had a good day. Feel totally knackered tho and drained. I am worried I am snappy with people.
Am really craving food tho. To sit with my Boyf and have a meal. I am thinking maybe after 2 full weeks on SS I might do a day SS+
I've heard varying calorie intake can prevent a plateau.
Not sure sure yet, but have tofu on standby. ESP as losses seem the same. Xx
Thats true, Ive head the same thing.. i think stick with it as long as you can and then if you need a few SS+ days, take them, i dont think it harms much if you keep your calories low! keep at it girlie
Wowzer, time to switch banks!
Haha true..i just wish you could speak with one person, the same person every time you call...that would be great! i ask too much
End of day 4 and feeling a lot better than i did earlier,,,thankfully
hope everyone had a good day! x