Puggso_32 - Plodding along

hey :) what burgers do you eat for 2pts? xx

Tesco meat free burgers. I think it worked out that 1 was 1.5 and 2 was 2.

TLC Mince and potatoes - 3
9 stone 8lb! 0.75lb on.

And for the first time since following ww i have ansolutely no idea how I am showing a gain! I thought I had pretty much the perfect week, especially compared to last week.

Oh well, carry on and hopefully next week will even it out!
Been thinking more about this gain and wondering what other people think of my theory;

Obviosuly I'm still following discover so I earn my AP points. Last week - as usual - I had built up a significant number of AP points.

Now these are almost exclusively used for alcohol by me but I had 9 points worth of alchol at the weekend. This left about 16 AP points I simply decided to discard.

So my thought is, could the gain be in part due to not using up my points? That's what I'd most likely say to someone else in my shoes but when it's reversed it feels like a bizarre notion!

What's people's take on it?

Porridge - 3
Jam - 1

Cous Cous - 3
Soup - 1
Snackajacks - 1.5
Carrots/dressing/jelly - 0

The leader in class was like telling us we have to do 10,000 steps before you can count any AP's. And therefore, if we'd walked 5,000 steps during the day.. and then gone walking for x amount of time and earned x amount of points.. we hadnt.
The leader in class was like telling us we have to do 10,000 steps before you can count any AP's. And therefore, if we'd walked 5,000 steps during the day.. and then gone walking for x amount of time and earned x amount of points.. we hadnt.

I should be fine as I never count my walk to work and back which is half an hour each way :)

Chicken - 3
Rice - 5
Bread - 1.5
Crackerbread - 2

Just a suggestion :p

I was thinking a bit more about what you said this morning and if it relates to discover then your leader is wrong as to work your points out on discover you count your normal activity and adjust points accordingly. I'm sure it's 2 points more if you do a bit of activity normally in your day.

In theory I should probably get 2 extra points but I decided right away I have about 2pts worth of coffee a day so just matched them off. Always worked for me :)

Porridge - 3
Jam - 1

unfortunately ;) Puggs is right - the 10000 steps first is the new propoints rule - before, you counted anything outside of your usual activity - so like puggs does his walk each day, anything else he does per normal is not counted but anything over that is AP.

it could be that you havent eaten them puggs, could just be something from your previous week. For the sake of 0.75lbs i wouldnt be too concerned, just keep doing what you're doing - if theres a gain next week then you need to give it some more thought but i think its probably just a body adjustment x
Well they're not really allowed to speak about discovery anymore since its "forget everything you'vr ever learned about ww.. and start again".. lol.. but i guess it makes sense.. to me anyways.. lol
yeah i totally agree.. but i also think the 10000 steps thing is to pedal their pedometers! :p how else will you know that you've done your 10000 steps already? x
unfortunately ;) Puggs is right - the 10000 steps first is the new propoints rule - before, you counted anything outside of your usual activity - so like puggs does his walk each day, anything else he does per normal is not counted but anything over that is AP.

it could be that you havent eaten them puggs, could just be something from your previous week. For the sake of 0.75lbs i wouldnt be too concerned, just keep doing what you're doing - if theres a gain next week then you need to give it some more thought but i think its probably just a body adjustment x

I do think it was the haven't eating them.

Again this weekend I am not going out it seems and have all these points.

Best buy in some beer :D

Cous Cous - 3
Carrots/Dressing - 0
Jelly - 0
Soup - 1

I always think that a loss or a gain doesn't show itself until the following week - I think our bodies take longer than 2-3 days after calorie intake to convert it into actual lbs. That's why people complain 'But I've been so good this week and not lost anything' because they forget that the week before they were stuffing their faces. Obviously that's not the case with you but I still think it's always the next WI which is more reflective of actual changes in body. Don't worry it'll be off again next week.

(I'm assuming when you said 'I've been near perfect especially compared to last week' - that you'd gone over last week and that could be the reason for gain)
I always think that a loss or a gain doesn't show itself until the following week - I think our bodies take longer than 2-3 days after calorie intake to convert it into actual lbs. That's why people complain 'But I've been so good this week and not lost anything' because they forget that the week before they were stuffing their faces. Obviously that's not the case with you but I still think it's always the next WI which is more reflective of actual changes in body. Don't worry it'll be off again next week.

(I'm assuming when you said 'I've been near perfect especially compared to last week' - that you'd gone over last week and that could be the reason for gain)

I hadn't gone over as such, I had saved up lots of points the previous week and used them all up on a big all day drinking session. I think that's where the difference was as the following week (last week) I had pretty much saved up the same, but hadn't been out drinking at all.

Bodies are messed up things!


Creamy mushroom pasta - 7
Bread - 1.5
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0


Walk to band and back gets me 2
Last edited:
Welcome aboard Jo! Will be sure to check out your diary!

Last night ended with;

Toast - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

Porridge - 3
Jam - 1

Cous Cous - 3
Crisps - 1.5
Carrots/dressing - 0
Jelly - 0

6 bottles of Coors light...that'll use up them pesky saved points this week :)

Tea will be;

Pasta - 5
Sauce - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Bread - 1

FYI everyone

1 275ml bottle of Coors light in old WW money

...one like this;


1 point! :D
Had 4 of tyhem tonight. Will quaff the other 2 tomorrow night :D

Toast - 1
Jelly - 0
Crackerbread - 2
