GUess who's back? Back again? Ducky's back! Here it ends!!
18stone 9 lbs! Serious kick up the rear given and all set for a fab week of motivating diet and exercise! I have done this before and I can do it again! I will be taerget weight by the end of the year and I will enjoy doing it!
SF Shake this morning, Banana, Pepermint tea.
Lunch is a WW chicken noodle soup made up to double the liquid (fills you up!!)
Shake mid afternoon.
Have an apple, snack a jacks and also a pack of fridge raiders for snacks and then WW meals in the fridge- A*da have them for £1.20 odd at the moment with good long dates. I find the fridge ones fill me up more than the frozen ones.
My plan is to exercise every day- Monday- Netball Tuesday (soon will be netball but gym at the moment) Wednesday Netball Thursday gym Friday Gym Saturday swim, sauna and steam room and SUnday walk the dog for a loooonnngggg time !
no excuses, no reasons as to why I cant, just get on and do it! Stop the whinging!
I stopped smoking 2 years ago today after being on around 25 a day so I can do this weight thing and I will!!!!!!!
Good luck all restarters