Quarterly Challenge Jan,Feb,Mar, 2017 !!!

Took some doing but pleased to say -4lb for me please Kay X

Well done everyone and congrats Buffy on slimmer of the month x

I'm so happy for you. Literally just did a woohoo on the station platform for you. Reflect on your week so you can repeat it for next week x x x x

4lbs off for me this week
I'm so happy for you. Literally just did a woohoo on the station platform for you. Reflect on your week so you can repeat it for next week x x x x

4lbs off for me this week

Haha, thanks Buffy. I followed your advice exactly, went up to maintenance calories for a few days then dropped it to no less than 1200 and not bothering if it went up nearer 1400 due to exercise. I actually wanted to eat less because I didn't feel starving all of the time! Just goes to show that thinking i needed to cut calories down to 1000-1200 didn't work and never would as a long term plan, it just made me constantly think about food.

Excellent that your 4lb loss took you to a wopping 6st loss, are you buying yourself something off your list as a treat? X
Haha, thanks Buffy. I followed your advice exactly, went up to maintenance calories for a few days then dropped it to no less than 1200 and not bothering if it went up nearer 1400 due to exercise. I actually wanted to eat less because I didn't feel starving all of the time! Just goes to show that thinking i needed to cut calories down to 1000-1200 didn't work and never would as a long term plan, it just made me constantly think about food.

Excellent that your 4lb loss took you to a wopping 6st loss, are you buying yourself something off your list as a treat? X

What's the calorie thing your talking about I'm interested haha is it making you loose more
@xxlauraxx15, I'd been aiming for 1,000 cals & no more than 1,200 & had started exercising. I'd done a 500 day fast, let my cals drop to not much over 700 a couple of times (Stupid) so expected a decent loss but I gained 2lb! Buffy advised that I wasn't eating enough ( I was really tired and thinking of food non stop) and advised to go up to my maintenance cals for a couple of days to give my body time to recover. I then dropped down to BMR cals, then aimed to eat around 1,300 cals as doing more exercise than usual (I aim for 800- 900 exercise cals). Buffy also reminded me about my water intake, I wasn't drinking enough.
Following her advice has worked, I've not been starving or constantly thinking about what to eat next! X
What's the calorie thing your talking about I'm interested haha is it making you loose more

What Tibba says above.

It's the idea that you don't eat too little. If you do, your body tries really hard to hold on to fat. With slimming world that means eating all your syns.
I have an extremely sweet tooth, so you can have a freddo like you said in one of your posts and save it for the evening after your meal, and when you have 10 syns you can have 2 x freddo's!! :) etc That's the good thing about this plan you CAN have your treats, but it's training us to portion control, a little of everything doesn't hurt in life eh! Just gotta get down to a healthy weight!
Its nice that the plan is so varied, suits lots of people and obviously you can vary your week from meal to meal, what ever suits you! :)
2.75lbs off this week! So relieved that my gain from last week and a little extra gone! I was expecting a bad week this week because I've been exercising a lot more than usual and my star week has been more like a star fortnight :rolleyes:

My food diary has been bottom of the heap but I'm going to try to do better. It's hard getting a balance going. Well done everyone on fab january losses.
Fantastic well done! I'm finding keeping a log of everything is helping, I write everything down before I have it even just before something naughty so I can check I'm still within allowance etc, I don't have start weeks as I have the mirena coil, absolutely love it! However when I eventually have it removed I probably won't bother with another, I'm 40 this year and now single :-/
Hi STS for me today which I'm pleased with after being away last weekend and ate what I wanted . Glad I got back on track when I came home otherwise I know it would o for been a gain ! Well done lots of you are smashing it brilliant :)