December week 2 - 4.75lbs off for me please Kayxx
Well done Sammy - here's to a good week for you - you're so close to your target now!xx
November week 5 - 1 lb on.
Gutted x
Oh no - we've all been there - sounds like you were you expecting a loss after a good week? If so, I've found if I carry on dieting the loss will show the following week - and seen that happen to others here too! pls don't do what I've done sooooo often and had a binge to comfort myself after a good week hasn't shown on the scales!! It's a tough time to diet now isn't it? But we'll be glad we've tried when we get on the scales for the first time in 2015!! I'm going to eat what I want on all the Bank Hols and Ch'mas and New Year's Eve - what's your plan? xxx
Aw ta loads for taking the time to msg all that.
It's just so disheartening to put on. Maybe a maintain I could cope with. I haven't been in total diet mode so really it's my own fault. It's just I came within 1/2 lb to losing a stone n I've gone and put a pound on.
I'm going to try and be good up till Xmas eve. I can't diet Xmas day and Boxing Day. I think that will drive me crazy and I'm off to gran canaria on the 27 th for new year so no diet all week there. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm going to have a fab hol and get back on plan when I get home.
It would just be nice to get my stone award before then though. Xx
Sts December week 2. I am completely fine with this! For a start I only got weighed on Thursday, plus I got my period on Saturday, AND I've gone to group straight from 12 hours at work, so to have sts I am very happy!
I just weighed in & gained 1lb xx
December week 2 - 3lb gain for me. Totally expected after a week off plan and a boozy weekend. Ah well...
I swear that will be me on thursday lol not had a grand week at all lol
It's a tough time to lose weight - you've done well to lose 17lbs in 7 weeks - hope u can get back on plan at least for a few days b4 Christmas!! Keep posting here if it helps!x
Thanks xx im taking a meal (never mind a day) at a time lol i do find writing on here takes the guilt away a little lol have finally had a 100% day today since last thursday lol xx
Well done and doesn't it feel good to be 100% on plan!!xx