Welcome to Jodi & Anna!!!!! Its great to see some new faces to help keep everyone motivated
Lucia, thats excellent news about your holiday. I promise I'm not jealous (especially looking at the wind outside!!!!:jelous

Love the fact that your 4 star has been upgraded to a suite & a sea view too!!!! I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of it!!!
Vix, what a fab goal to work towards!!!! I have no doubt that you will reach your target by then!! I know exactly what youmean about your shape changing after having kids. I had 3 kids in just over 3 years & I thought I would never see my waist again but since taking up kettlebells 3 times a week the inches i have lost from my waist is incredible. When I first started my 'waist target' was 32 inches but its at 33 at the minute so I'm dropping that target to 30 & am confident that I'll get there (eventually!!

I had a good weekend despite still having a sore mouth from that damn dentist!!!

Its blowing a gale here today so I have made a huge pot of soup & am sitting here eating a huge bowl of it while catching up on minis

I'm hoping the soup (& the amount of veggies in it) will keep boosting the weightloss this week

I'm feeling very organised today as after I dropped the oldest 2 at school & nursery me & my youngest went to tescos & done the weekly shop which included absolutely no junk (well cadburys light choc mousses & velvet crunches but they dont really count

) I have enough soup for today & tomorrow as well as the ingrediants to make more on wednesday for the rest of the week. My bolognese sauce has been made so that hubby can put the tea on while I go for a run later & the strawberries are chilling in the fridge for evening munchies!!!! lol
My parents were visiting yesterday & I got the 'too thin' (i never ever thought i would ever get one of those) lecture. I saw the time that it would have annoyed me but I kind of understand that it must be a shock for them seeing me at the lightest that I have been in my adult life (believe me its still a shock to me!!!

) I just polietly smile & carry on
Anyhow I hope youre all having a nice start to the week & look forward to catching up again soon