Question About a Countdown

Thats a no win situation but its very unfair for the people who are genuinley sick like me! i know its only a cold as some people might say but colds canmake you feel absolutly terrible X

The issue for me is that I bought a 12 week countdown when I joined recently, but I was not given any information about the fact I could not have any holiday from this, and I was not asked any holiday dates at the time. How are we supposed to be mind readers?

As it happens, I did not have any holiday booked, but I tend to book it at the last minute anyway, so would not know 12 weeks in advance.

I don't think I'll be buying any more countdowns, or will not get more than 6 weeks at a time in future.

Hi, i would just like to enquire about something that i think is highly unfair, i bought a 6 week countdown 4 weeks ago, and i have been ill so was unable to attend weigh in, so i will loose a week, i know you say that we have to book holidays in advance which is fair enough but the fact is i don’t have a crystal ball and i could not possibly tell the consultant when i would be ill therefore i loose a weeks countdown?? Could you possibly sghed some light on the situation as it has put me off buying a countdown in the future

Regards Lianna

Thats is the email i sent, it might sound stupid but its the jist of what i wanted to say x
i think this post needs to be moved, its in the recipe section lol.... its getting confusing i think the recipe section should purely be for recipes.
I hope you get your problem sorted x