Hi I agree with Jilly, you must try and eat more on your UP days, think healthy and wholesome with a treat , you don't have to eat junk food to reach your cals x. As for weighing in always after a DD , if you are doing strict alternates this day will alter each week as you must weigh after a DD, so say sat is your weigh in day then one week it will fall after an up so that week weigh on the sun etc. I daily weigh as I find the way judd works completely fascinating and yes there are fluctuations so if gains bother you then I advise against it, you must remeber that the only weigh in that counts is your weekly weigh in, I bounce all over the plavce during the week lose after every DD gain afetr most UPs but its the trend thats important, I was 13 5 when I started juddd I am now 11 11 so I know it works despite my weight being like a yoyo during the week, what you have to know is that the gains are food weight not fat gain but all the weight you lose at the end of the week is fat, it has been proven that you don't lose water or muscle on an alternate day plan just fat. That explains why sometimes losses are slower but you lose inches quicker, I am much smaller in size than when I weighed lighter on other plans. For juddd to work for you you need to relax, forget the scales and concentrate on how you look, once you have done that juddd is truly life changing , I am a total convert, can you tell lol x