quick cold snacks - no salad


New Member
Hi guys really struggling,

I work every hour god sends, I only get a 30minute break.

I need lunch and snack ideas to take to work, dont need heating up and most of all dont include salad (every time I have salad it makes me sick/even the thought of it makes me cringe)

Crab sticks, carrot sticks, home made hummous, packs of cooked chicken, fruit salad, boiled eggs, cold pasta dishes (I love cold pasta with tomatoes, pepper and onion)
couscous with roasted veg and meat! mini SW quiches, leftovers from the night before's chilli, spag bol, etc. Mugshots only require a kettle too, pitta bread or wholemeal for HEX B fileld with cold meats, or cheese (HEXA)
I worked 6 hours with a ten min break so I feel your pain. It's really hard just having a small window of time for food, especially if your a smoker like me. I always find soup in a flask kept me satisfied through my shift.