Quinoa from day 4?


Full Member
Hey everyone, hope you're all enjoying your refeed!
I'm on day 2 but have been planning my week. Does anyone know if we can have quinoa instead of the rice or pasta from day 4 on? Its higher in protein so I was thinking it would be ok but just want to make sure!
Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks :)
Hi Lily, I hope you're enjoying your refeed. I think you'd be able to introduce the quinoa from day 4. Once you get to day 4 the rules are more lenient. I had Cous Cous on day 5. I have never had quinoa myself but I was contemplating having it. I have a vegetable chilli recipe that is served with quinoa, Is it nice?
Thanks lainag! Well I like it, it's kinda like Cous cous but looks a bit strange! It's got a little bit of a nutty flavour to it too. Can't wait to have some! Nom nom!
Quinoa will be fine. It's a great food and makes an excellent substitute for rice or pasta. The nutty flavour is nice.
Go raibh míle maith agat Irish Molly! I'll be able to enjoy it now you've put my mind at ease :)