Hi, I have been off ciggies (analogues) for 6 weeks now and have been using electronic cigarettes since then. I was a two pack a day girl too. At the beginning I was messing having real cigs and using the vaper but now Im on it full time I would never go back because I much prefer it for lots of reasons
It's cleaner - no mucky ashtrays and no fag ash and nicotine fog in my car
It doesnt smell horrid like fags - so consequently neither does my house or car
It is much cheaper as I was spending a fortune every week on cigarettes - more than £3.5k year

I have stopped coughing and my lungs dont hurt now
I can use it most anywhere .. even in hotel rooms! No more running outside in the rain!
No poisons either ... just the nicotine
No last minute borderline panic attack when I'm nearly out of fags to go to the shops and restock up on ciggies - yes, driving out to the garage at 5 am in the morning
My non smoking, cigarette hating husband is off my case!
Also, the e fag is kind of cool!
Much better all around. If you are thinking of switching I would recommend that you definately try it. It took me a couple of weeks to get used to it and you have to find the right kit and flavour for you but once I did I never looked back.
Ill never buy another packet of cigarettes. Ever!
