RachelS - Its been a long time!

aw sorry to hear about TOTM and the pound! im sure next week that and more will have gone :) im also a lover of peanut butter fatal isnt it!

suz x
Now Rachel none of that, its a bummer but its only a pound and at least you had a reason to hang it on being TOTM. Caution with the 18.5 which may make you feel deprived and if you can't stick to it might just lower your mood further then where will you be. You need multiple hugs and encouragement which we'll all sent you in abundance but mostly don't be hard on yourself it will come off in no time.

Take care

Thanks M, your probably right about the 18.5, I think I'll aim for that but keep 21 as a buffer if need be. I do need and appreciate the encouragement as we all do, Ive not told anyone I know that Im doing WW so cant really go to someone I know.
Amazing that a measly pound can sink you so low eh?! Im trying to feel a bit better, keeping busy at work tho so the real teller will be tonight. Im going to plan something nice for dinner tho so I dont feel deprived x
aw sorry to hear about TOTM and the pound! im sure next week that and more will have gone :) im also a lover of peanut butter fatal isnt it!

suz x

Hiya, it is fatal, I darent open the jar cos the smell is gorgeous!! Same with marmite, at leastcan have that guilt free!!:eek:
Hate em!! Still crampy and vile!! Whats up with your wee boy? Hope he feels better soon xx

Not too sure. He had a very high temp in the night, was quite delerious and full of cough... but he seems better today but best to keep him home for the day! Hope your feeling better????
Hi Rach, sorry to hear about your "water pound" messing up your weigh in.

You know that it will be gone - unless you wallop into the peanut butter again...that stuff is totally fatal. I just can't buy it.

Hope you are feeling re-motivated now for this coming week. xx
Not too sure. He had a very high temp in the night, was quite delerious and full of cough... but he seems better today but best to keep him home for the day! Hope your feeling better????

Not too bad Lou, just starving, cant wait to have my lunch! Kiddies get over things so quickly, especially when they are very young. Ive seen my daughters have extremely high temps and the next day running around as tho nothing has happened!!
Hi Rach, sorry to hear about your "water pound" messing up your weigh in.

You know that it will be gone - unless you wallop into the peanut butter again...that stuff is totally fatal. I just can't buy it.

Hope you are feeling re-motivated now for this coming week. xx
Im not feeling too bad thanks Rosie, just starving!! Im not touching the PB again, its so yummy, there wasnt much left last night anyway thank goodness!
How are you today?;)
sorry to hear you gained but sure you'll soon have it shifted.
TOTM is poopants! Not to worry though, you'll have that pound off with a few of its mates in no time flat!

Don't come back as a man, you'll have lots of other disadvantages! At least if you're woman you know your kids are yours ;)

Wouldn't mind having a man's "bits" for the day though - just to see what it's like to have my brain in a completely different place :D
Yer, he's ok now. Well, I hope he is.... He's at my mums tonight. He usually stays there one night a week so I can come to my bf's. We live half hour apart so I do the driving one night in the week usually when I can and saturday nights too. Man, I had a binge earlier... ooops. You doing ok????
Yer, he's ok now. Well, I hope he is.... He's at my mums tonight. He usually stays there one night a week so I can come to my bf's. We live half hour apart so I do the driving one night in the week usually when I can and saturday nights too. Man, I had a binge earlier... ooops. You doing ok????
Im very wet this morning, its p'ing it down here in Aberdeen!! I wish my girls had a couple of nights away from me a week, sheer bliss!!
How come the binge then hon? Any particular reason?
I'm fine ta, not wanting to bother with food much so having to be extra careful as thats when my resistance is low!!:D
Morning.xx Have a good day hun.xx
Morning Hun
I no the bloody weather is horrible here too :(
How are you today? xx

Wet and cold!! My boss asked me to turn the heating down cos he's too hot, I was trying to dry my clothes out cos I got soaked on the way to work. Selfish sod!
Could so do with going home to have a hot bath, haha!
Hows you today and what you up to?
Isn't it always p**ing it down in Aberdeen?;)

I always think its a strange city - because of all the granite, its really gloomy when the weather is bad but when the sun shines, the city "sparkles" - its absolutely gorgeous.
Awww do ya know LRO you have just summed up Penzance to ! .... hehe ...
Sorry your boss is being tight Rach ;) ... hope you managed to get them dry a little bit! ...