Socialising is good sometimes.
I know I havent been posting much recently but I have been so busy what with work and my new exercise regime (tiring but worth it), that and my ruddy internet has cracked up! Thankfully that will be fixed soon.
A few weeks ago I was on a work night out and after the meal, a couple of us went on for a few drinks and ended up at a nightclub. Usually hate nightclubs but was quite drunk by this stage so wasnt too fussed. Had a great night and ended up meeting a few nice people too, something I havent done in ages.
I hadnt been out on a good night out for such a long time, usually felt too self conscious etc but for the first time in ages I felt confident and it must have shone through!
I ended up getting a guys phone number and we are going on a date this weekend!

Im not expecting anything to come from it but if it does then its a bonus!
Went out again this weekend and met some great folk, have discovered that I actually like socialising and that people like me too. I got so many compliments, not just the way I look but also that I was fun, lovely, great to talk to etc. I usually find it hard to accept compliments but I did this time!

Looking forward to this weekend as I am off Friday and Monday, I have a friend from Milton Keynes coming up and Mum is taking the girls so its gonna be great!!!