Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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afternoon hun
you are probably sick of me by now
but just wanted to say have a great day
and enjoy your gym session
Kals i love your visits and you can PM me as much as you like i will never get sick cause you're lush :D

No texts but Matty did ring me on his dinner hour like he usually does. He's very cute like that and knows i am struggling with having no structure and tbh.. no friends to do anything with :p

not a single text back, though Lydia did text me (love you Lydia :D) which brightened my day :)

Pussycat is dead in her purple blanket. Came in from gym and called for her (she usually comes to greet me when i come in) and not a sausage.. wandered into the living room and there she is.. completely comatose. She must be tired as didnt even bother me for my chicken at lunchtime and usually she would sit behind me in the kitchen while i cooked and do her usual begging and crying, and then would insist on sitting by my left elbow trying to stick her face in my plate while i ate. I was reading Charly's diary and am wondering if i am a bit strict with Amber.. she has a bedtime (which is when I go to bed) and she is put in the bathroom. She has her bed, food and tray in there plus some toys and when I say "Amber, bedtime" she usually responds and goes and climbs in her bed. Of course, there are days like last night when she decided no, when i said bedtime, the ears went back, the eyes went wide.. and she ran faster than the speed of light up the stairs and into the spare bedroom to hide.. little tw*t LOL. :D

so yeah anyway.. went to the gym.. no fantasy man. However there was a guy i used to work with at Sainsburys.. he's a big (and i mean tall and fat big) gay guy who worked on CSD and i really didnt like him as he made a few comments to me on occasion about my appearance. So yeah, i jogged on the treadmill with a big smile on my face while i watched him get busted by a PT. He was given proper girly weights as well (the same as what i get when i'm on PT - about 7.5kg) and made to to core ball exercises.. so i felt great :p

..I am coming to the realisation that I am a very sour old elephant that never forgets hahaha :D

I have also felt big all day though which is not good. I dont know if its cause i was wearing white, but in the gym i looked loads bigger today around my middle and I do just feel bigger. I am dying to get on the scales but know if they do have a bad number on them that it'll not do my confidence / willpower any good so I have hid them so i cant see them when i go in the bathroom. Know where they are of course but laziness always prevails :p
So you let my cat sleep in bed with you (complete with her dragon breath) but not poor Amber !!! just kidding-i think its really cute that she has her own bedtime routine-wish i had the girls that well trained- normally when I say bedtime they look at each other like " did you hear anything? no ? lets just carry on then "

I think everyone has days when they feel bigger I know i do !!!

Take care my lovely
Aww at Amber I think the hot weather tires them out
my two have not moved from sitting on the tiled bathroom floor where it's nice and cool
and when I phoned me mum Rambo was out for the count and mum was saying he's like dracula
asleep all day but when night falls lol!!
It's good to have a routine for them my two aren't allowed in the bedrooms at all
and in the living room when we've gone to bed.

Yeah to big fat gay!! Making a tw@t of himself sometimes it's a great feeling when you've got one up on them
she is like my child.. she gets told bedtime, then she gets a temptation and a kiss on the head and then off i go to bed :p Amber isnt allowed in our bedroom as Matty is highly asthmatic and of course i wouldnt be able to sleep for worrying. She used to be allowed free reign of the house but she sits outside the bedroom and cries, so the routine has stopped that now.

well, if this isnt reason to lose weight.. then i dont know what is..

here lies a picture of my younger sister on holiday. She is the one with the ridiculously large flower in her hair.. and yet she still looks amazing!


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Much sniggering at the thought of introducing a routine of any sort to my cats. They do what they want, when they want and where they want.

Good idea to hide the scales - mid week weigh ins are evil and lie so avoid at all costs. It is normal to have feeling bigger days but take ignore it and know you look hot.

Have a great evening
well, just updating my food:

B - 2 sainsburys crumpets (2) 30g philadelphia light (1)
L - chicken breast (2.5) peri peri marinade (1) salad (0) jacket potato (3.5) 4 garlic stuffed green olives (0.5)
T - chilli (7) and 1/2pk ainsley harriot mushroom cous cous (2.5)
S - asda apple and cinnamon nutrigrain copy (2) apple (0.5)

total 22.5/23 points

totally antsy tonight.. dont know what to do with myself! Mattys on call so i dont know if thats the reason or if i'm just in a funny mood :p
Ah me too. Am happy in my own little way just finding fault with everything :sigh:

The cats been licking my arm again - why the hell does she do that, she knows I don't like it :confused:

At least I've got late night snack to look forward to :D What about you?
Amber's not a licky cat.. though she does lick my finger then use it to wash herself with.. rather than use her own paw :p

i dont really have any plans for the rest of tonight.. Mattys got control of the box, so i'm just on here.. but i spend so much time on here atm i really need to get a hobby (and a life :p)

i do need the toilet though.. so i will add that to the top of tonights list :D (oh dear.. how desperate!)
Lets hope we are feeling more up and at em tomorrow eh?

Ever get the feeling you want to do more with your life but just cant be arsed? I need a sharp slap to get me going again.

Am just going to watch that new series on BBC3. Have a great night :D
oh yeah, get that feeling all the time! :p

polished off my last half a point with half a grapefruit with 2tsp splenda :)
Nina is always licking us, and drooling,tho mostly when she's on Ians lap-likes to leave a nice wet patch on his groin,which for some reason he doesnt like !!

Have a good day tomorrow-seems really wierd you being at a loose end I am so used to hearing you dashing from college to work etc-guess that will all change in september-enjoy it while you can is what I say !!
Hey Rach - Bliss has dried strawberries and some choc flakes in it, very nice indeed.

Glad one of your mates eventually texted back, I was nodding reading that post, about being annoyed when people say they'll do something with you then back out. I have friends that say we have to meet up for a catch up, I ask them when and never hear back :rolleyes:!

And you're very good using your last half point on grapefruit and sweetener. I have to admit that I would probably have chosen a low fat cookie :eek:
ahhhh :) your doing a positive with your life wwers and the rest will follow,Ive spent the last year like a hermit not seeing many people etc and I think sometimes its nice to have quiet times in life just to spend on ourselves.
You do a great job here and its nice people want to come to you for help xx
well, good morning people :D

guess where i'm going today LOL :p to the gym! :D i am then going to meet a friend (YAY!) but only to see how his hospital appointment went.. so rest of the day will be spend earning a bit of petty cash rolling wire up for Mattys dad to sell.

As i am skinnt, i am also going to start ebaying things. I used to love manga (japanese comics) and have millions upstairs. All my favourites (and collectors items) will be going on ebay :( i dont read them, theyre packed away in boxes.. so someone else should value them more than i do.. got a couple i have price reserves on so for those 4 i know i can pick up around 200 quid total for as they're out of print and sought after. That'll just about cover my mortgage payment for next month :(

food for today:

B - asda vitality banoffee bar (1.5) ..what a waste of 1.5 points :( 2 crumpets (2) low fat brussels pate (1)
L - something meaty!
T - greek salad (yet to work out the points)
S -
Thats what I do when I'm a bit skint, flog stuff on ebay, good luck hum with that and the gym - be good!!!!
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