Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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Very many congratulations to you both
hello guys :)

so.. we were getting ready to head out for a meal at Aquarius - an absolutely astounding restaurant in Prague:

Dinning in Prague whit hotel Alchymist: RESTAURANT ALCHYMIST.  

(the music playing on the website is actually a recording of the guy who sang for just us as we had the whole restaurant to ourselves :D)

and he called me into the bedroom - i was mid getting ready and he said it was urgent so I ran in thinking he was having an asthma attack - he got down on one knee and said "Rach, I've got a really important question to ask you.. and i'm dead nervous.. so please say yes. Will you marry me?" and pulled a ring box from under the pillow on the bed.


i have more Prague photos, but theyre on the camera and cant find the lead, so have added the few i have on my camera. Theres two of the ring, never fear :) x
That's so romantic. I love it.

Best wishes and hugs for both of you

And having seen the pic of the ring I say it is gorgeous and can't wait to see you and the ring in person.

Btw are you feeling any better?

Irene xx
hello guys :)

so.. we were getting ready to head out for a meal at Aquarius - an absolutely astounding restaurant in Prague:

Dinning in Prague whit hotel Alchymist: RESTAURANT ALCHYMIST. *

(the music playing on the website is actually a recording of the guy who sang for just us as we had the whole restaurant to ourselves :D)

and he called me into the bedroom - i was mid getting ready and he said it was urgent so I ran in thinking he was having an asthma attack - he got down on one knee and said "Rach, I've got a really important question to ask you.. and i'm dead nervous.. so please say yes. Will you marry me?" and pulled a ring box from under the pillow on the bed.


i have more Prague photos, but theyre on the camera and cant find the lead, so have added the few i have on my camera. Theres two of the ring, never fear :) x

Ah so romantic!!! Any ideas of dates yet?
not until 2014, but of course you are all invited :p Mattys family is bigger than the crowd Jesus fed, so I'm determined to match his mob with all my friends :D

and if you're wondering why the date is so far away, i need that time to convince him that he will look better in gold waistcoat and red tie than silver waistcoat and blue tie (because i want coordinating red and gold bridesmaids etc :p) and i feel the best way to do that is to drag him around trying things on etc.. until he is so sick, he gives in :D


well, i'm off tomorrow so hopefully i can finally visit all diaries and catch up. i am dragging my fat bot back to the gym after 3 weeks, and i need to go get a birthday present and card for my friend at work.. i am thinking a nice accessorize scarf or similar... :)
Yay!! I love weddings, I do hope fascinators are still in, I look hot in one and I think a red and gold one (to match your colour scheme ) would look great!!
i bought jamiroquais album 2 days ago off itunes for 10.99. Its now only 7.99 according to the telly :(

ah well, its a decent album but still peed off!

off to make breakfast.. had an accident this morning - rooted round in freezer last night and took a few things out.. put them all back except one thing - a freaking bag of ice cubes which was open.. come down this morning and voila - my food optimising bible is totally soaked.

all i can say is that i would be doubly upset if i'd had any stickers stuck to it but im still a pound away from my 1/2stone award.

i want to be another 8lbs lighter at least by xmas. I think if i stick to SW then i can easily achieve that.

watching Bridget Jones Diary.. Hugh Grant still seriously does it for me.. yum yum! :p
i bought jamiroquais album 2 days ago off itunes for 10.99. Its now only 7.99 according to the telly :(

Dontcha just hate it when that happens, I brought something last week on the Thursday and the very next day they had a 50% off everything sale
As for the ice pond :mad:
Have a fantabulous weekend Rach
plus 8lbs is totally doable chick
Belated congratulations! Far more romantic proposal than mine, it was over sausage, egg and beans in Woolworths :D.

Hope you're still enjoying SW.

Have a lovely weekend.

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