morning everyone
weighed in heavier this morning after a weekend of extreme bingeing. 15st - this goes no further I am not having it.
going back to Core - started this morning with a nice big bowl of shreddies which i managed to stop eating before i ate too many - possibly because I ran out of milk.. LOL

either way, WIN!
munching on some grapes now, listening to Leona Lewis really loud - love her new song - Happy. Its not very happy, but if I hair brush sing it really really loud it makes me feel happy

gotta go to work soon.. very upset yesterday to find out half the shop knows i was in hospital

and what for. Went mental as it was only my managers who knew i was in hospital at all, which i told them in a strictly confidential capacity. Ended up huddled in a ball in tears in the back of chickens muttering choice words about them all before hauling myself back to pizzas - i'm grown up now, no more crying like a baby all the time

(coulda done with some empowering Leona Lewis background music yesterday!

going to Suze and Kels later.. then Mattys meeting me after he's played football so i can do my first proper shop for 10 weeks

(thats how long i've been eating crap!

bad Rach)
anyway, hope everyone has a good day