cheers everyone
(Well done Helen!

well, had a great first day i think

been in touch with some of my uni friends and none of them have really done too much in school - one went over a lesson plan and the spec for the lesson with their mentor, one student got sent home because their CRB hadnt come through and there was an inspection, and the other "hadnt done much but hoped to observe some teaching tomorrow" (um.. well what did she do today?

I was kind of left to my own devices.. so I observed the two main ICT teachers - i got to observe a variety of year groups, settings, abilities, and topics, as well as being able to observe each teacher teaching outside of their subject specialty and how they used ICT to support their lessons. I ate with them at lunch, tomorrow I think I will pop through to the main staffroom to see the other student who is in - she's in DT and I didnt even have chance to ask her name this morning
I did look the part though

turquoise turtleneck, black pants, matching turquoise pointy flats and just some simple black and gold bangles. I got complimented by a number of staff members, so I was pleased - I know it varies per school as to what I am expected to wear.. glad I can have a little lee-way to dress how I like.. i do feel uncomfortable in posh shirts and so on
todays food:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - pitta bread (2.5) filled with philadelphia light (1) w.t. ham (1) lettuce (0) apple (0.5) ambrosia l.f. custard pot (2) cadburys snack pack (2.5) one biscuit from biscuit tin (1.5)
T - 2 chicken thighs (4.5) cabbage, carrot, beansprouts, peppers (0) 1/2 chow mein stir fry sauce (2) 80g bulgar wheat (4)
total: 26 points - serves me right for not calculating everything properly before eating it
tomorrows plan:
B - 60g shreddies (3) 1/2pt soya light (1)
L - 6 basics crabsticks (3) lettuce, tomato, cucumber, beetroot (0) apple (0.5) orange (0.5) cadburys snack pack (2.5)
T - tin basics vegetable soup (2) 2 slices bread (3)
S - small salted popcorn (3.5)
total: 19 points