3.20pm and I've had one shake and now nursing another cup of coffee. I'm doing alright now, feeling quite good, definitely perked up so that's good. I just mused a bit about social occasions and how many of us dread then when you've just got into the swing of things with exante. And so often these occasions end up escalating into days of crazed eating.
And therein it seems lies the actual problem. I often ponder on how naturally slim people stay slim even if they eat their cakes and go out for meals and go to parties. It's because these are all on-off occasions and other than that, they have a balanced way of eating. So the occasional round of drinks or pizza or indulgent cake and coffee afternoon doesn't do any harm. But in someone like myself, these occasions become larger than life. First I absolutely fear them. And the nearer they come on the diary, the more likely I am to use them as an excuse to binge, long before the occasion even starts. So we might blame the wedding we attended or the work do on having gained weight and having to start all over again. When in reality it's what we make of the occasion.
Many years ago I attended weight watchers and it did work quite well for me at the time. The lady who took the group said something that really stuck with me. She commented on the fact that most people join in January, obviously after the festive period. She said people should worry less about what they eat between Christmas and New Year, and worry more about what they eat between New Year and Christmas.
There's quite a profound truth in that I think. There's a big difference between a one-off and a habit. If the overall habit is right, the one-off doesn't matter so much. But the question is, what's my habit? At the moment, it is fair to say, only 10 days into exante, my natural habit is to overeat. And so at the moment, Exante has not become a habit yet and certainly not a way of life. It's still new, still out of the ordinary, still a one-off. Which one is easier to break? The one-off, of course. So I need to make conscious choices until it's a habit. And then, the occasional meal out or drink won't do any damage. But it's a long road until then.
Right, my philosophical five minutes are over