Gold Member
Hi Bee
I've subscribed too under that offer. I think I need to refuel on sensible food at the moment in preparation for going back on exante full time when the weather improves. At the moment I'm so mixed up that I don't know what I want to do. Why don't we both do a stint of calorie counting until the end of March - we can do WW, exante or whatever we feel like but count calories and try to eat healthy? I'm up for it if you are. I really want to get back on 100% TS but have been struggling so much it will probably do me good to have a bit of a change, and it will take the pressure off. Let me know what you think. We could try for 1000 calories a day - or 1200 if you prefer.
I feel exactly like you Lynne, all over the place and mixed up. I am going to sort through all my exante products and will use up the ones that expire soon as part of calorie counting/WW in March. I thought of having a pack of Exante as breakfast and the rest of the day do WW but write it all down and count calories.
I do want to get back to Exante 100% but I'm going home in April which I know will mean normal food. So I thought if I build up a month of good habits and lose some weight, it won't be a massive shock to the system then in April and I won't feel like I have deprived myself and go totally crazy there. And when I'm back, I'd like to give Exante another good go.
How does that sound to you? Fancy joining me? I'm going to weigh on Monday and start WW then. I know that with all the to-ing and fro-ing these last few weeks plus the meds I won't have lost anything so I'm not going to look at it as a weigh in but as a starting point again. I have three meals lined up with friends between tomorrow and Sunday and I know that even with the best intentions I won't stick to any plan. So Monday it is.