My latest random thought was 'what if sex made you fat?'
I mean, I was cogitating on my reasons for being a recovering chocoholic, and I realised I had a tendency to over-analyse some aspects of it. A major part of it was just simple, filthy, unadulterated pleasure.
So then I thought - what if sex made you fat? Would you control it as ruthlessly as you do chocolate? Would you cut it out of your life? Would you don a chastity belt (size 10, naturally) and swear off it?
Then my thinking got fuzzy as I tried to tease apart a few strands on just which pleasures are necessary or justifiable or worth exchanging the grand old feeling of Controlled Slim for. How do you calculate the pleasure/pain balance? I got confused, thought 'to hell with this' and went and found myself a bag of snackajacks chocolate popcorn.
Following swiftly on the heels of the above came another random thought: why can't I just be confidently, luxuriantly, edwardianly curvy and billowing like Nigella Lawson, and make midnight trips to the fridge to feast on rocky road squares while wearing a fetching black silk negligee and sporting flawless hair and makeup?
Reality is for the dogs, innit.