Random tips to help with weight loss!!

i now drink ww wine if i fancy a glass during the week, 125ml is 2 pp, and i keep my fat wine as i now call it for my treat night at the weekend that way i don't feel im missing out mid week.
It doesn't matter how much I eat throughout the day I will always need more food at night wish a nice healthy breakfast would satisfy me. Just makes me more hungry lol
if i eat breakfast i get more hungry too so i tend to have a yoghurt about 8/9 on week days when at work and then at half 10/11 have some sausages or a more substantial brekkie then have lunch late at like 2/3 x
Hi guys,
Lovely to hear some of your tips. I can't live without a pudding after dinner so I make sure I save enough points so that I don't feel hard done by - for a muller light yog, ww bar or an options hot choc (or more often than not, all of the above!). I fill up on veg (BNS is a lifesaver) and snack on carrot sticks with sweet chilli dipping sauce.
Still trying to find a healthy, low points breakfast that is actually nice :-S don't have much time in the mornings so normally end up just grabbing a coffee at work which I know is BAD! (with sweetener and skimmed at least!) x x
Thats cool jeni...good idea about carrot sticks and a low fat dip or sumthing..i might to consider that for my going in my lunch box or something..cus i feel like im nt eating enough veggies atm!! Im deffo with u on the having to have a desert or hot chocolate after dinner! I like to have a chocolate mousse cus they are only 2 points and full of chocolatey goodness :D Im lucky that i am a cereal lover so breakfast is easy for me! Im sure uve considered it but dont u like any cereal bars or like oaty stuff for breakfast..cus i know they seem like a lot of points for what they are sumtimes..but even if they are like 4 points...my normal breakfast is 4 points anyway? I dunno. I cannot survive without breakfast..im like a beast in the morning until i have tea and cereal aha x
I'm the same,love my brekkie! On hols from school now (I'm a teacher) so have been having lovely breakfasts- poached eggs,omellette etc...really nice but you need lots of time. Back to special k in september
I think a high protein breakfast has been my biggest help all year :) Favourite is quite high in propoints but does keep me full for ages- one weight watchers bagel with one or two fried eggs. Or even an omelette for breakfast. :) Yum!
Eggs are a great way to get a protein boost indeed, but you don't need lots of time to cook them, my fave scrambled eggs with feta and dill takes less than 2 mins in the microwave while the toast is on! I open freeze fresh dill and crumble it in. Eggs are one of the few foods that actually cook perfectly in the microwave, or so a chef once told me.
LittleMissThin 17 said:
I think a high protein breakfast has been my biggest help all year :) Favourite is quite high in propoints but does keep me full for ages- one weight watchers bagel with one or two fried eggs. Or even an omelette for breakfast. :) Yum!

I agree. Here in Germany I've been having 2 slices of toast (balance bread 3 pts), spread with 20g of organic peanut butter (3 pts) and topped with a banana. 6 points but really fills me up til lunch time. :)

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I followed this advice today (2 sausages,poached egg,mushrooms...really tasty and 6 pp) but felt I was short points for the rest of the day! Used to my 3pp and 2 pp breakfasts!
Aw that sucks. I guess its more helpful if ur one of those people that likes to snack before lunch. What breakfasts do u have that are 2/3 points? :) x
I'm also wondering what you get for 2-3pp! :) I think, with the big brekkie, it depends what you've got on that day. For example, I would have eggs etc if I was going to have a busy morning and a late lunch, if I was just at home I would often stick with my beloved 2 slices of toast with M&S rf houmous! Could live on that, I swear :<)
I make 30g of porridge with water and add blueberries or else I have fruit salad with a yogurts (1 or 2 pp depending on brand). Am not a big cereal girl and rarely have toast. Did find I was nice and full yesterday but was at a friend's for lunch so had no control over what I was eating (eek!) Will try the big brekkie another day when I'm staying at home.

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I'm off work and had a "big" brekkie. Cheesy scramble! 3 eggs scrambled with a slice low fat cheese mixed through (+ black pepper). 6pp. Yummy and full of protein hehe.
Like tras I usually try and keep my brekkie smaller... because I'm a bit of a snacker hehe ;) xx

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Im confused..i thought 1 egg was 3 points? How is three eggs and cheese only 6 points? :O I want to know this secret ahah x
3 eggs are 5pp. and onelow fat cheese slice is 1pp. 6pp!
a medium egg is 2pp, 2 eggs are 4pp and 3 eggs are 5pp. approximately lol.
LOL! just check your eggs maybe... it prob depends on the size. A large egg would defo be 3pp methinks so I always get the medium ones (feels like more when you're having 2 or 3 of em :p) Twas Jemma that put me onto 3 eggs = 5pp so all kudos to her!! :) x
Well, it's certainly handy to bear in mind for baking, as is that 100gr sugar is 11pp and not 20 like I've seen listed on other recipes (not on here! )